


Returns or sets the title of the file browser. If this String is empty (default), the default title will be used ("Open" or "Save" depending on the type of dialog to be displayed). See FileBrowser.ShowOpen or FileBrowser.ShowSave for details.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
String rtn = FileBrowser.DialogTitle;
// set accessor
FileBrowser.DialogTitle = String;


VBScript Example

dim oFileBrowser
set oFileBrowser = XSIUIToolkit.FileBrowser
oFileBrowser.DialogTitle = "Select a file"              ' set the title of the file browser
oFileBrowser.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*||"   ' Allow selection of all files
oFileBrowser.ShowOpen                                                   ' show an open file dialog

See Also

FileBrowser.ShowOpen FileBrowser.ShowSave