
Facet.NbPoints operator




Returns the number of points in a given facet as an Integer.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Int32 rtn = Facet.NbPoints;


1. VBScript Example

set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
set oGeometry = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry
set oFacets = oGeometry.Facets
for each oFacet in oFacets
        logMessage "Facet #" & oFacet.Index & " has " & oFacet.NbPoints & " points."
' Expected Result:
'INFO : Facet #0 has 3 points.
'INFO : Facet #1 has 4 points.
'INFO : Facet #2 has 4 points.
'       <snip>
'INFO : Facet #61 has 4 points.
'INFO : Facet #62 has 4 points.
'INFO : Facet #63 has 3 points.

2. JScript Example

var oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;
var oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" );
var oGeometry = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;
var oFacets = oGeometry.Facets;
facetEnum = new Enumerator(oFacets);
var oFacet;
for( ; !facetEnum.atEnd(); facetEnum.moveNext() ) {
        oFacet = facetEnum.item();
        LogMessage( "Facet #" + oFacet.Index + " has " + oFacet.NbPoints + " points." );
// Expected result:
//INFO : Facet #0 has 3 points.
//INFO : Facet #1 has 4 points.
//INFO : Facet #2 has 4 points.
//      <snip>
//INFO : Facet #61 has 4 points.
//INFO : Facet #62 has 4 points.
//INFO : Facet #63 has 3 points.