




Returns the key index for the key at the specified frame. If the key does not exist the method returns -1.

C# Syntax

Int32 FCurve.GetKeyIndex( Object in_Frame, Double in_Tolerance );

Scripting Syntax

oLong = FCurve.GetKeyIndex( Frame, [Tolerance] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Frame Variant The key time in frames at which to look for the key.
Tolerance Double Key tolerance.

Default Value: -1

Possible Values:


>0 Matches key between Frame - Tolerance and Frame + Tolerance
0 Key must be exactly at frame
-1 Nearest 0.5 frame


JScript Example

        This JScript example illustrates how to use the resample method to 
        add keys to an fcurve and the getkeyindex() method to look up an
        keys index from a frame value.
// Create a null
Application.NewScene( null, false );
var nullobj = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();
// Create an fcurve on the posx parameter from the null
var fc = nullobj.posx.AddFCurve()
// Start editing the fcurve
// Use the Resample method to add keys to the fcurve on every second frame
var empty;
// Look up the key near frame 25
var key, index, frame, tolerance, keyframe;
frame = 24;
tolerance = 1;
if ( fc.KeyExists( frame, tolerance ) )
        // Get index from frame using a tolerance of 1 frame (for example, 25 +/- 1 frame).
        // This will find the key at frame 23
        index = fc.GetKeyIndex( frame, tolerance );
        keyframe = fc.GetKeyFrame( index );
        LogMessage( "found key " + index + " at frame " + keyframe + " between frame " 
                + (frame-tolerance) + " and " + (frame+tolerance)  );
        // Get the key at index
        key = fc.GetKeyAtIndex( index );
        // Set the key value
        key.Value = Math.random() * 100;
// End editing the fcurve and put the undo event onto 
// the undo/redo stack
// Outputs:
//INFO : found key 11 at frame 23.000000000000003 between frame 23 and 25

See Also

FCurveKey.Index FCurve.Keys FCurve.GetKey FCurve.GetKeyFrame FCurve.GetKeyValue