


Returns a description of object or family. If the family is specified then a list of all objects in the family is returned. If neither object nor family are supplied then a list of all families is returned.

C# Syntax

String Dictionary.Info( String in_bszObject, String in_bszFamily );

Scripting Syntax

oString = Dictionary.Info( [Type], [Family] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Type String Object type
Family siFamily Family name


1. VBScript Example

' Get all information for Twist operator
LogMessage Application.Dictionary.Info("Twist")

2. VBScript Example

' Get list of all members if the Lattice family
LogMessage Application.Dictionary.Info(,"Operators")

3. VBScript Example

' Get all information for all members of the Curve family
'       Declarations
Option Explicit
Dim sList               ' container for list of curves
Dim aCurves             ' arrays of curves in list
Dim i                   ' for looping through list
Dim sName               ' name of indiv. curves
Dim sInfo               ' container for info
'       Get Curve information 
' Store list of curves in string container
sList = Dictionary.Info( ,siCurveFamily )
' Convert the list to an array of curves
aCurves = Split( sList, ", ", -1, vbTextCompare )
' Write header to History log
LogMessage "======================================="
LogMessage "    CURVE INFORMATION                "
LogMessage "---------------------------------------"
' Run through the collection to get the info for each item
For i = 0 to UBound(aCurves)
        LogMessage "---------------------------------------"
        ' Set up name of current operator
        sName = aCurves(i)
        ' Based on curve name, get all dictionary info
        sInfo = dictionary.info( sName )
        ' Write info to History log
        LogMessage sInfo
'       Output
'INFO : "======================================="
'INFO : "       CURVE INFORMATION                "
'INFO : "---------------------------------------"
'INFO : "---------------------------------------"
'INFO : "Circle
'Families = Geometry, Curves, Geometries
'INFO : "---------------------------------------"
'INFO : "Arc
'Families = Geometry, Curves, Geometries
'INFO : "---------------------------------------"
'INFO : "Spiral
'Families = Geometry, Curves, Geometries
'INFO : "---------------------------------------"
'INFO : "Square
'Families = Geometry, Curves, Geometries