


Sets or returns a Boolean value indicating whether the handler function returns a value (true) or not (false). If set to false, Softimage assumes there is no return value, regardless of whether or not the implementation actually tries to return a value.

If set to true, which is the default, Softimage tries to return a value. If the command does not actually return anything an empty Variant is returned.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Boolean rtn = Command.ReturnValue;
// set accessor
Command.ReturnValue = Boolean;


VBScript Example

'First command has no return value
'and is implemented as a vbscript "sub"
set cmd = Application.CreateCommand("NoReturnValue")
cmd.ScriptingName = "NoReturnValue"
cmd.Handler = "Foo"
cmd.Code = _
        "sub Foo() " & vbCrLf & _
        "       Logmessage ""NoReturnValue called"" " & vbCrLf & _
        "end sub"
cmd.Language = "VBScript"
cmd.ReturnValue = false
Application.AddCommand cmd 
'The second command does return the value 56
'and is implemented as a vbscript "function"
set cmd = Application.CreateCommand("ReturnValue")
cmd.ScriptingName = "ReturnValue"
cmd.Handler = "Foo"
cmd.Code = _
        "function Foo() " & vbCrLf & _
        "       Foo = 56" & vbCrLf & _
        "end function"
cmd.Language = "VBScript"
cmd.ReturnValue = true
Application.AddCommand cmd 
' Call our new commands
LogMessage( ReturnValue )
Application.RemoveCommand( "NoReturnValue" )
Application.RemoveCommand( "ReturnValue" )
'The following results will be logged
'INFO : NoReturnValue called
'INFO : 56