


Returns an Array of values (N x ValueSize) where N corresponds to the number of given offsets.


Parameter Type Description
Offsets Array of Integer values An array of offsets. If this array is empty All offsets are considered.


VBScript Example

CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"
'Create a texture property containing the projected U,V,W values
CreateProjection "grid", "siTxtPlanarXZ", "siTxtDefaultPlanarXZ", , tex_obj, True
SelectObj "Grid.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection" ' & tex_obj
'The current selection contains the new texture property
set sel = application.selection(0)
' List of sample points to modify.
mySampleList = Array(1,2)
myValues = sel.obj.ElementsValues( mySampleList )
for i = LBound( myValues, 1 ) to UBound( myValues, 1 )
                logmessage "(" & myValues(i,0) & " , " & myValues(i,1) & ")"
                'Do an operation on each value.
                ' this is the U value
                myValues( i, 0 ) = .45
                ' this is the V value
                myValues( i, 1 ) = .45
'Set the new values
sel.obj.SetElementsValues mySampleList , myValues

See Also

ClusterProperty_V1.NbElements ClusterProperty_V1.ValueSize ClusterProperty_V1.SetElementsValues ClusterProperty_V1