Light Attribute Define
Light Attribute Define

Module description

In Softimage, you can set lights to affect different portions of the lighting calculation. Normally, a lighting model, such as Phong, computes a diffuse component and a specular component as part of the lighting calculation. However, users can specify that a light should not contribute to the diffuse component. All four combinations (diffuse light, specular light, both, neither) are acceptable.

To pass this information to the shaders, Softimage associates a piece of user data with the light. The shader can then extract this user data from the light, and perform the appropriate calculations.

To find the user data, the shader must ask for the head of the list of user data associated with the light. The shader then searches through this list for the user data with the magic number XSIMR_LIGHTDATA_LABEL. If it finds it, it extracts the settings using the xsimrLightData struct. If it does not find the data, it implies that both specular and diffuse computations should be performed.

See also:
xsimrLightFlags, xsimrLightData


#define  XSIMR_LIGHTDATA_LABEL   2860411

Define Documentation

#define XSIMR_LIGHTDATA_LABEL   2860411

The magic number for querying light userdata from a mental ray shader.