NurbsSample Class Reference
NurbsSample Class Reference

#include <xsi_nurbssample.h>

Class Description

The NurbsSample object gives access to the NurbsSurfaceMesh sample geometry.

See also:
NurbsSurface::GetNurbsSamples, Sample, CNurbsSampleRefArray
                using namespace XSI;

                Application app;
                Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

                X3DObject mySphere;
                root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"NurbsSurface", L"", mySphere );

                NurbsSurfaceMesh mySurfaceMesh(mySphere.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry());

                CNurbsSurfaceRefArray surfaces = mySurfaceMesh.GetSurfaces();

                NurbsSurface mySurface = surfaces.GetItem(0);

                CNurbsSampleRefArray mySamples = mySurface.GetNurbsSamples();

                double dU,dV;
                for(LONG i = 0;i < mySamples.GetCount(); ++i)
                        NurbsSample sample(mySamples[i]);

                        app.LogMessage(L"The U and V value for this sample are " +
                                                CValue(dU).GetAsText() + L" " + CValue(dV).GetAsText());
Inheritance diagram for NurbsSample:
Sample SIObject CBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  NurbsSample ()
  ~NurbsSample ()
  NurbsSample (const CRef &in_ref)
  NurbsSample (const NurbsSample &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
NurbsSample operator= (const NurbsSample &in_obj)
NurbsSample operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
CStatus  GetU (double &out_dUValue) const
CStatus  GetV (double &out_dVValue) const
CStatus  GetUSamplingCoordinate (LONG &out_lUSamplingCoordinate) const
CStatus  GetVSamplingCoordinate (LONG &out_lVSamplingCoordinate) const
CStatus  GetUNormalized (double &out_dUNormalizedValue) const
CStatus  GetVNormalized (double &out_dVNormalizedValue) const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Default destructor.

NurbsSample ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.
NurbsSample ( const NurbsSample in_obj )

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from Sample.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Reimplemented from Sample.

NurbsSample& operator= ( const NurbsSample in_obj )

Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.

in_obj constant class object.
The new NurbsSample object.
NurbsSample& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new NurbsSample object.

Reimplemented from Sample.

CStatus GetU ( double &  out_dUValue ) const

Returns the U position value of this Sample on the NurbsSurface.

Return values:
out_dUValue The U position value.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure
CStatus GetV ( double &  out_dVValue ) const

Returns the V position value of this Sample on the NurbsSurface.

Return values:
out_dVValue The V position value.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure
CStatus GetUSamplingCoordinate ( LONG &  out_lUSamplingCoordinate ) const

Returns the U value of the sampling coordinate local to the NurbsSurface.

Return values:
out_lUSamplingCoordinate The U sampling coordinate.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure
CStatus GetVSamplingCoordinate ( LONG &  out_lVSamplingCoordinate ) const

Returns the V value of the sampling coordinate local to the NurbsSurface.

Return values:
out_lVSamplingCoordinate The V sampling coordinate.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure
CStatus GetUNormalized ( double &  out_dUNormalizedValue ) const

Returns the U normalized value of this Sample on the NurbsSurface

Return values:
out_dUNormalizedValue The U normalized position value.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure
CStatus GetVNormalized ( double &  out_dVNormalizedValue ) const

Returns the V normalized value of this Sample on the NurbsSurface

Return values:
out_dVNormalizedValue The V normalized position value.
CStatus::OK success
CStatus::Fail other failure

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