This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Animation Mixer.
#include <xsi_cliprelation.h>
Clip relations are logical entities used to create a bi-directional constraint between two clips, the master and slave clip.
By default, a ClipRelation creates relationships between the start offset, clip in and clip out value of the TimeControl of the related clips. ClipRelations are bi-directional in the sense that, by modifying the value of one of the related parameter either on the master or slave clip it proportionally affects the value of the other clip.
For each individual relationship there's an activeness
Parameter (StartActiveness
and ClipOutActiveness
and an offset. The offset represents the difference between the
value of the Master clip parameter and the Slave clip parameter.
Modifying the value of an offset results in changing the value of
the slave clip relative to the master clip. It is possible to
inverse the master and slave clip by using ClipRelation::SwapMasterAndSlaveClip.
You can create a ClipRelation using ClipContainer::AddRelation and access them using either Clip::GetRelations or ClipContainer::GetNestedRelations. In order to access the master and slave clip you can use ClipRelation::GetMasterClip or ClipRelation::GetSlaveClip.
using namespace XSI; Application app; Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot(); X3DObject myCube; root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", myCube ); CValueArray args(9); CValue outArg; args[0] = root; args[1] = L"cube.kine.local.posx,cube.kine.local.posy,cube.kine.local.posz"; args[2] = 1l; args[3] = L"StoredStaticPose"; args[4] = true; args[5] = 1l; args[6] = 5l; args[7] = false; args[8] = false; app.ExecuteCommand( L"StoreAction", args, outArg ); Source mySource(outArg); CValueArray addClipArgs(6); addClipArgs[0] = root; addClipArgs[1] = mySource.GetFullName(); addClipArgs[4] = 19l; addClipArgs[5] = L"MyClip"; app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", addClipArgs, outArg ); Clip myClip(outArg); addClipArgs[4] = 47l; addClipArgs[5] = L"MyClip1"; app.ExecuteCommand( L"AddClip", addClipArgs, outArg ); Clip myClip1(outArg); Mixer myRootMixer = root.GetMixer(); ClipRelation myClipRelation = myRootMixer.AddRelation(myClip, myClip1 , L"myRelation"); app.LogMessage(L">>>Original ClipRelation information."); Print_ClipRelation_Info(myClipRelation); app.LogMessage(L">>>Modifying the startoffset value of the ClipRelation."); myClipRelation.PutParameterValue(L"StartOffset", (double)myClipRelation.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset") + 3); Print_ClipRelation_Info(myClipRelation); app.LogMessage(L">>>Modifying the start value of the TimeControl of the master clip."); TimeControl myMasterClipTC = myClipRelation.GetMasterClip().GetTimeControl(); myMasterClipTC.PutParameterValue(L"StartOffset", (double)myMasterClipTC.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset") + 4); Print_ClipRelation_Info(myClipRelation); app.LogMessage(L">>>Swapping master and slave clip."); myClipRelation.SwapMasterAndSlaveClip(); Print_ClipRelation_Info(myClipRelation); app.LogMessage(L">>>Modifying the startoffset value of the ClipRelation."); myClipRelation.PutParameterValue(L"StartOffset", (double)myClipRelation.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset") + 3); Print_ClipRelation_Info(myClipRelation); void Print_ClipRelation_Info( ClipRelation& in_rClipRelation ) { Application app; app.LogMessage(L"The clip relation name is: " + in_rClipRelation.GetName() ); //Printing the offset between the master and slave clips app.LogMessage( L"The start offset is: " + in_rClipRelation.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset").GetAsText() ); app.LogMessage( L"The ClipIn offset is: " + in_rClipRelation.GetParameterValue(L"ClipInOffset").GetAsText() ); app.LogMessage( L"The ClipOut offset is: " + in_rClipRelation.GetParameterValue(L"ClipOutOffset").GetAsText() ); // Printing the value related to the master clip Clip masterClip = in_rClipRelation.GetMasterClip(); app.LogMessage( L"The master clip name is: " + masterClip.GetName() ); TimeControl masterTimeControl = masterClip.GetTimeControl(); app.LogMessage( L"The master clip start value is: " + masterTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset").GetAsText() ); app.LogMessage( L"The master clip ClipIn value is: " + masterTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"ClipIn").GetAsText() ); app.LogMessage( L"The master clip ClipOut value is: " + masterTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"ClipOut").GetAsText() ); // Printing the value related to the slave clip Clip slaveClip = in_rClipRelation.GetSlaveClip(); app.LogMessage( L"The slave clip name is: " + slaveClip.GetName() ); TimeControl slaveTimeControl = slaveClip.GetTimeControl(); app.LogMessage( L"The slave clip start value is: " + slaveTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"StartOffset").GetAsText()); app.LogMessage( L"The slave clip ClipIn value is: " + slaveTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"ClipIn").GetAsText() ); app.LogMessage( L"The slave clip ClipOut value is: " + slaveTimeControl.GetParameterValue(L"ClipOut").GetAsText() ); }
Public Member Functions |
ClipRelation () | |
~ClipRelation () | |
ClipRelation (const CRef &in_ref) | |
ClipRelation (const ClipRelation &in_obj) | |
bool | IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const |
siClassID | GetClassID () const |
ClipRelation & | operator= (const ClipRelation &in_obj) |
ClipRelation & | operator= (const CRef &in_ref) |
Clip | GetMasterClip () const |
Clip | GetSlaveClip () const |
CStatus | SwapMasterAndSlaveClip () |
ClipRelation | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
~ClipRelation | ( | ) |
Default destructor.
ClipRelation | ( | const CRef & | in_ref | ) |
in_ref | constant reference object. |
ClipRelation | ( | const ClipRelation & | in_obj | ) |
Copy constructor.
in_obj | constant class object. |
bool IsA | ( | siClassID | in_ClassID | ) | const [virtual] |
Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.
in_ClassID | class type. |
Reimplemented from ProjectItem.
siClassID GetClassID | ( | ) | const [virtual] |
Returns the type of the API class.
Reimplemented from ProjectItem.
ClipRelation& operator= | ( | const ClipRelation & | in_obj | ) |
Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.
in_obj | constant class object. |
ClipRelation& operator= | ( | const CRef & | in_ref | ) |
Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.
in_ref | constant class object. |
Reimplemented from ProjectItem.
Clip GetMasterClip | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Master clip of a ClipRelation.
Clip GetSlaveClip | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Slave clip of a ClipRelation.
CStatus SwapMasterAndSlaveClip | ( | ) |
Exchanges the master and slave clip of the ClipRelation and recomputes the offsets. When updating an offset this always affects the slave clip. Therefore this function is useful if, for example, you would like to modify the start offset of the Master clip relative to the Slave clip.