


Return the Geometry object for the custom primitive. Currently only PolygonMesh is supported.

This callback is used when the custom primitive is passed into SIConvert or CreatePrim commands to convert the geometry. The in_ref contains a CustomPrimitiveContext. The plugin is expected to update the Geometry object obtained with CustomPrimitiveContext::GetGeometry().

Applies To

Custom Primitive


CStatus <plugin-item_name>_ConvertToGeom( CRef& in_context )

<plugin-item-name> is the name specified in the call to PluginRegistrar.RegisterPrimitive with any spaces converted to underscores. For example, if you register a primitive with the name "My Primitive", the callback function names start with "My_Primitive".


Parameter Language Type Description
in_context C++ CRef& A reference to the Context object. Context::GetSource returns the CustomPrimitive. GetGeometry returns the Geometry to update. Currently, only PolygonMesh is supported.

See Also