Weight Editor Attributes

Weight Editor Attributes


v11.0 (2013)

View attributes for the Weight Editor. Not all attributes support both setting and getting. Check the third column in the table.

Note See ViewAttributes for a complete list of types of attributes that you can use when customizing your Relational Views.
Attribute Name Description Supports
invaliddeformers Returns an XSICollection containing the invalid X3DObject deformer object(s) currently displayed in the Weight Editor. if no any invalid deformer it returns an empty collection.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the Weight Editor is used to display envelope weights.

Possible Values:


<Deformers> XSICollection of deformer objects
View.GetAttributeValue only.
selecteddeformers Returns an XSICollection containing the selected X3DObject deformer object(s) currently displayed in the Weight Editor. If nothing is selected it returns an empty collection.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the Weight Editor is used to display envelope weights.

Possible Values:


<Deformers> XSICollection of deformer objects
View.GetAttributeValue only.
verticesnotfullyassigned Returns a one-dimension SAFEARRAY containing the string expression of point components which are not full assigned weight.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the Weight Editor is used to display envelope weights.

Possible Values:


<List of points> A one-demension SAFEARRAY of points. Note: Use the string expression for point component.
View.GetAttributeValue only.
verticesexceedingdeformerlimit Returns one-dimension SAFEARRAY containing the string expression of point components which are exceeding the deformer limit.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the Weight Editor is used to display envelope weights.

Possible Values:


<List of points> A one-demension SAFEARRAY of points. Note: Use the string expression for point component.
View.GetAttributeValue only.