


v9.0 (2011)


Sets a shader's compound properties.

Scripting Syntax

SetShaderCompoundPropertiesEx( InputObj, ModifyFlags, Name, Category, Description, Author, Date, VersionTag, VersionMajor, VersionMinor, PPGLogic, PPGLogicLanguage, BackgroundColor, Editable );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String Shader compound's properties to set.

Default Value: Current selection

ModifyFlags Integer Bit field combination indicating which properties to modify. 1 for the first argument, 2 for the second argument, 4 for the third argument, and so on.

Default Value: 4095

Name String Name Property.
Category String Category Property.
Description String Description Property.
Author String Author Property.
Date String Date Property.
VersionTag String VersionTag Property.
VersionMajor Integer VersionMajor Property.
VersionMinor Integer VersionMinor Property.
PPGLogic String A string containing a code block defining callbacks. Similar to the SPDL logic section.
PPGLogicLanguage String Scripting Language to use for the PPGLogic. If empty, VBScript will be assumed.
BackgroundColor Integer The color that will appear on the compound in the render tree.

Default Value: 6732954 (light green)

Editable Boolean When set to false, the shader compound is not editable from the Render Tree.

Default Value: True

See Also

EditShaderCompoundPPGLogic GetShaderCompoundProperties CreateShaderFromPreset CreateShadersFromMaterialPreset CreateShaderFromCLSID CreateShaderFromProgID CreateShaderCompound NestShaders UnnestShaders AddShaderCompoundPort RemoveShaderCompoundPort MoveShaderCompoundPort RenameShaderCompoundPort ExportShaderCompound ImportShaderCompound ExplodeShaderCompound