v9.0 (2011)
Sets a shader's compound properties.
SetShaderCompoundPropertiesEx( InputObj, ModifyFlags, Name, Category, Description, Author, Date, VersionTag, VersionMajor, VersionMinor, PPGLogic, PPGLogicLanguage, BackgroundColor, Editable ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputObj | String | Shader compound's properties to set.
Default Value: Current selection |
ModifyFlags | Integer | Bit field combination indicating which properties to modify. 1
for the first argument, 2 for the second argument, 4 for the third
argument, and so on.
Default Value: 4095 |
Name | String | Name Property. |
Category | String | Category Property. |
Description | String | Description Property. |
Author | String | Author Property. |
Date | String | Date Property. |
VersionTag | String | VersionTag Property. |
VersionMajor | Integer | VersionMajor Property. |
VersionMinor | Integer | VersionMinor Property. |
PPGLogic | String | A string containing a code block defining callbacks. Similar to the SPDL logic section. |
PPGLogicLanguage | String | Scripting Language to use for the PPGLogic. If empty, VBScript will be assumed. |
BackgroundColor | Integer | The color that will appear on the compound in the render tree.
Default Value: 6732954 (light green) |
Editable | Boolean | When set to false, the shader compound is not editable from the
Render Tree.
Default Value: True |
EditShaderCompoundPPGLogic GetShaderCompoundProperties CreateShaderFromPreset CreateShadersFromMaterialPreset CreateShaderFromCLSID CreateShaderFromProgID CreateShaderCompound NestShaders UnnestShaders AddShaderCompoundPort RemoveShaderCompoundPort MoveShaderCompoundPort RenameShaderCompoundPort ExportShaderCompound ImportShaderCompound ExplodeShaderCompound