Changes the specifed flag on a connection of the FxOperator.
SetFxOpCnxFlag( [FxOp], Connection, FlagName, [Value] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description | ||||||
FxOp | String or FxOperator | Object pointer or Object
name for FxOperator.
Default Value: Current
selection. |
Connection | String | Index or name of the connection. Note: the index is 1-based (ie., the index starts at 1 instead of 0), and you must use quotation marks around the index value. For example, "1", "2", etc. |
FlagName | String | Type of flag.
Value | Boolean | New value of the flag.
Default Value: True |
' This example creates an FxTree, adds the Noise operator ' to it and then sets the flag on the Obey Matte ' connection to True set oTree = CreateFxTree() set oOperator = AddFxOp( oTree, "Noise" ) SetFxOpCnxFlag oOperator, "Obey Matte", "Select", False |