




Selects parent, child, or sibling objects. You should consider using NavigateNode if you do not want to select the elements.

Scripting Syntax

SelectNeighborObj( [InputObjs], [NavigDirection], [HierarchyLevel], [AddToSelection] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects.

Default Value: Current selection.

NavigDirection Integer Direction to navigate

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Select parent
1 Select child
2 Select previous sibling
3 Select next sibling
HierarchyLevel String Specifies how to select objects in a hierarchy.

Default Value: "ASITIS"

Possible Values:


ASITIS Select the object as it is.
NODE Select the object.
BRANCH Select the object and its children.
TREE Select the entire hierarchy of objects.
MODEL Select the model and the hierarchy of objects.
AddToSelection Boolean True to add to the selection, False to replace the selection.

Default Value: False


VBScript Example

' Given this hierarchy:
' cube
'   cube1
'     cube2
'     sphere
'     cone
' the following example will invoke SelectNeighborObj many times
' each time selecting a different part of the hierarchy.
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
SetValue "cube.cube.length", 12
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
SetValue "cube1.cube.length", 10
CopyPaste "cube1", , "cube", 1
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
CopyPaste "cube2", , "cube1", 1
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
CopyPaste "sphere", , "cube1", 1
CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface"
CopyPaste "cone", , "cube1", 1
MsgBox "Let's now select the parent of cube2 (cube1)"
SelectNeighborObj "cube2"
MsgBox "Let's now select the first child of cube1 (cube2)"
SelectNeighborObj "cube1", 1
MsgBox "Let's now select the next sibling of sphere (cone)"
SelectNeighborObj "sphere", 3
MsgBox "Let's now add the parent of cube2 (cube1) to the selection"
SelectNeighborObj "cube2", , , True
MsgBox "Let's now select the parent of cube (scene root)"
SelectNeighborObj "cube"
MsgBox "Let's now go through all direct children of the scene root and log its name"
dim obj, first, child
' get first child (Camera_Root) of the scene root
SelectObj "Scene_Root"
set obj = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
SelectNeighborObj obj(0), 1
set first = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
' lets log the name of that first child
LogMessage "First child of " & obj(0) & " is " & first
' get sibling of that object (light)
SelectNeighborObj first, 3      ' get next sibling
set child = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
' log its name and get new sibling
' and loop until no more sibling 
do until child = first
        LogMessage "Next sibling is " & child
        SelectNeighborObj child, 3              ' get next sibling
        set child = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
' The log of the example above should be :
'INFO : "First child of Scene_Root is Camera_Root"
'INFO : "Next sibling is light"
'INFO : "Next sibling is cube"

See Also
