


v12.0 (2014)


Plot file cached objects to new cache files in Camera Sequencer time.

Scripting Syntax

oArray = PlotCamSeqForCachedObjects( [Path], [SequencerIn], [SequencerOut], [PlotWithoutGaps], [Attributes], [UseGlobalKine] );

Return Value

An Array consisting of a comma-delimited String containing object names, a comma-delimited String containing the location to plotted cache files, a collection of cache clips that will be deleted.


Parameter Type Description
Path String The target path to put plotted cache files. The filename needs to contain a "_#" token.
SequencerIn Long Start Camera Sequencer frame to plot

Default Value: 1

SequencerOut Long End Camera Sequencer frame to plot

Default Value: 100

PlotWithoutGaps Boolean Determine whether or not to ignore the gaps between ShotClips.

Default Value: False

Attributes String List of attributes to include. If not specified, all attributes will be plotted.
UseGlobalKine Boolean True to plot in global space.

Default Value: False


Python Example

The sample code demonstrates how to construction a camera sequencer shot with cached ICE simulations
# 1) Create a basic emission from grid and cache the ICE simulation to file
Application.NewScene( "", False )
Application.CreatePrim("Grid", "MeshSurface", "", "")
Application.ICEFlow_CreateParticles("", "", "")
Application.CacheObjectsIntoFile( "pointcloud", 5, 1, 100, 1, True, True, 
 XSIUtils.BuildPath( "[project path]", "Simulation", "[model]", "[object]", "[object]_ICECache1_#.icecache" ), 
 False )

# 2) Create a new point cloud and apply the cached simulation
Application.NewScene( "", False )
Application.GetPrim( "pointcloud", "ice_cached_cloud" )
Application.AddFileCacheSource( "ice_cached_cloud", 
 XSIUtils.BuildPath( "[project path]", "Simulation", "scene_root", "pointcloud", "pointcloud_ICECache1_[1..100].icecache" ), 
 "", "" )
# 3) Create Camera Sequencer Shot Clips
Application.AddShotClip( "", "Shot1", "", 1, 80, 99 )
Application.AddShotClip( "", "Shot2", "", 25, 1, 31 )
Application.AddShotClip( "", "Shot3", "", 60, 80, 99 )


# 4) Plot the cached ICE simulation in the Camera Sequencer
RetVal = Application.PlotCamSeqForCachedObjects( XSIUtils.BuildPath( "[project path]", "Simulation", "CamSeq", "ice_cached_cloud_CamSeqCache_#.icecache" ), 
 1, 100, "", "", False )

Application.LogMessage( "Name of cached cloud: " + RetVal[0] )
Application.LogMessage( "Location of cache files: " + RetVal[1] )
Application.LogMessage( "Collection of clips to be deleted: " + RetVal[2].GetAsText() )

# 5) Re-apply plotted cache simulation back to the pointcloud
Application.ApplyCamSeqFileCacheSources( RetVal[0], RetVal[1], RetVal[2] )

See Also

ApplyCamSeqFileCacheSources PlotCamSeqToActions PlotFrameSetToActions PlotCamSeqShape PlotSequencerCamera GetSceneFrameSetFromCamSeq