Miscellaneous Primitives

Miscellaneous Primitives

These unique primitive presets can be used with the X3DObject.AddPrimitive method or one of the primitive-creation commands (GetPrim, SIGetPrim).

Note See Primitive Presets for list of the possible types of primitives. Also see Alphabetical Listing of All Primitive Presets for a complete list of available primitive types.
Preset Primitives
GeoShader GeoShaders allow you to create geometry in the mental ray renderer at render time. All that's stored in your scene is a simple placeholder that defines the position of the geometry--represented by a randomized wireframe cube.

Lattice Lattice objects are used to control lattice deformations. See the GetPrimLattice and SIGetPrimLattice commands.

Stand-in Stand-in objects act as proxies for geometry. The stand-in consists of a bounding box that represents the bounding area of the exported geometry and a time control that allows you to modify the flow of animation.