




Duplicates (aka: extrudes) a mesh component

Scripting Syntax

DuplicateMeshComponent( [ConnectionSet], [ImmediateMode], [Length], [NbSubdivs], [Merge], [Tx], [Ty], [Tz], [Rx], [Ry], [Rz], [Sx], [Sy], [Sz], [DuplicatePolygons] );


Parameter Type Description
ConnectionSet ConnectionSet Specifies the components to duplicate (extrude).

Default Value: Currently selected objects are used as the main group.

Warning: An error occurs if the connection set is invalid. Please verify the connection set required for this operator to avoid breaking your scripts.

ImmediateMode siOperationMode Specifies whether or not the operator should be immediately frozen.

Default Value: siPersistentOperation

Length Double Length of the extrusion

Default Value: 0

NbSubdivs Long Number of subdivisions to use

Default Value: 0

Merge Boolean Whether or not adjacent components should be handled as a whole or independently

Default Value: 1

Tx Double Translation in X to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Ty Double Translation in Y to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Tz Double Translation in Z to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Rx Double Euler Rotation in X to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Ry Double Euler Rotation in Y to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Rz Double Euler Rotation in Z to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 0

Sx Double Scaling in X to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 1

Sy Double Scaling in Y to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 1

Sz Double Scaling in Z to apply to each subdivision

Default Value: 1

DuplicatePolygons Boolean Specifies if polygons should be duplicated (TRUE) or extruded (FALSE)

Default Value: 0


VBScript Example

'This example will duplicate  an edge.
'Create 4 spheres and place them
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface", "Sphere1"
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface", "Sphere2"
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface", "Sphere3"
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface", "Sphere4"
Translate "Sphere1", -8, 8,  0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siXYZ
Translate "Sphere2",  8, 8,  0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siXYZ
Translate "Sphere3", -8, -8, 0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siXYZ
Translate "Sphere4",  8, -8, 0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siXYZ
'Duplicate polygons (extrude) along common normal.
'Duplicate is 10 SOFTIMAGE units long and has 10 subdivisions.
'First case polygons are merged
'Second case, they are not merged.  Note how they move along their local normal
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere1.poly[12,13,20,21]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, True
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere1.poly[10,18]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, False
'Same basic duplication as previous but with translation in X of 1 unit at each step.
'X translation is applied in the local reference frame of the selected polygons.
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere2.poly[12,13,20,21]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, True, 1,0,0
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere2.poly[10,18]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, False, 1,0,0
'Same basic duplication as previous but with rotation around Y axis of 10 degrees (normal to the polygons).
'Y axis rotation is applied in the local reference frame of the selected polygons.
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere3.poly[12,13,20,21]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, True, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere3.poly[10,18]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, False, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0
'Same basic duplication as previous but with scaling factor of 0.8 in X and Z of 0.8.
'X and Z scaling is applied in the local reference frame of the selected polygons.
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere4.poly[12,13,20,21]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, True, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0.8, 1, 0.8
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere4.poly[10,18]", siUnspecified, 10, 10, False, 1, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0.8, 1, 0.8
'Duplicate also applies to other components: points and edges
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere1.pnt[100]", siUnspecified, 10, 10
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere2.edge[204]", siUnspecified, 10, 10
'Duplicated objects can be mixed. Here we apply duplicate to points and edges.
DuplicateMeshComponent "sphere3.pnt[100], sphere3.edge[204]", siUnspecified, 10, 10

See Also
