Custom Display Host Attributes

Custom Display Host Attributes



View attributes for the Custom Display Host.

Note See ViewAttributes for a complete list of types of attributes that you can use when customizing your Relational Views.
Attribute Name Description Supports
metadata The string-based data associated with the Custom Display Host (CDH) View. When specified in a layout, the ordering of this attribute should precede the "targetcontent" attribute - that will ensure that the CDH will be able to access the "metadata" attribute value at the very beginning of CDH initialization (i.e. before the standard Softimage plug-in callback, CDHHostName_Init()) to influence initialization activities. This attribute's value can also be queried through calling an XSI::ViewContext object's GetMetadata() method.

Possible Values:


<any string-based data> The string-based data of a custom display.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
targetcontent The type of custom display to show in the Custom Display Host View. The list of installed custom displays can be found by pulldown menu next to the View's letter 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'.

Possible Values:


<any custom display name> The name of a custom display.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.