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Creates a weight map. Weight maps can be used to modulate parameters such as the amplitude of a deformation across an object or cluster. Weight maps can only be created on point clusters. A weight map stores a floating point value for each point of the cluster. A weight map should not be confused with the weight values that are used to deform an envelope, see Envelope.Weights.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CreateWeightMap( PresetObj, [InputObj], [PropertyName], PropPresetObj, [Select] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection of the newly created properties.


Parameter Type Description
PresetObj String WeightMap operator preset

Default Value: "WeightMap"

Possible Values:


WeightMap Weight map
InputObj String List of point clusters or objects or points.

Default Value: Current selection

PropertyName String Name of the weight map property

Default Value: "Weight Map"

PropPresetObj Preset object weight map property preset

Default Value: "Weight Map Property" preset

Select Boolean Select and autoinspect the resulting prop

Default Value: True


VBScript Example

dim s
set s = CreatePrim ( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" )
CreateWeightMap "WeightMap", s & ".pnt[0,1]", "MyWeightMap", "Weight Map Property"

See Also

AddProp ClusterProperty UserDataMap