Church Material Presets

Church Material Presets

List of available Church Material node presets.

Note See Material Presets for a list of different material preset types. Also see Alphabetical Listing of All Material Presets for a complete list of materials.
Preset Materials
Materials\Church\im_basket Basket preset (replaces the current material node with the im_basket preset.
Materials\Church\im_carved Carved preset (replaces the current material node with the im_carved preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchart Church art preset #1 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchart preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchart2 Church art preset #2 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchart2 preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchart3 Church art preset #3 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchart3 preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchart4 Church art preset #4 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchart4 preset.
Materials\Church\im_parket2 Church parquet preset (replaces the current material node with the im_parket2 preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchpost Church post preset #1 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchpost preset.
Materials\Church\im_churchpost2 Church post preset #2 (replaces the current material node with the im_churchpost2 preset.
Materials\Church\im_extremcarved Extreme carved preset (replaces the current material node with the im_extremcarved preset.
Materials\Church\im_woodboard Wood board preset (replaces the current material node with the im_woodboard preset.
Materials\Church\im_woodparket Wood parquet (replaces the current material node with the im_woodparket preset.