




Applies the specified model Delta object to a reference model. Use this command when you add modifications to a delta (for example, using the ActionDelta.AddFCurveItem method) and you want to apply those changes back to the reference model.

A Delta is basically a 'diff' or list of modifications made to the components of a reference model. You can specify which modifications should be tracked in each delta (eg., track only expressions and constraints vs. tracking all animation, etc.). Each model can only have one delta associated to it and each delta contains the name of the model to which it is associated.

Scripting Syntax

ApplyDelta( Deltas );


Parameter Type Description
Deltas String The model delta to be applied.

See Also

CommitToReference ConvertToRefModel ExportDelta ExportModel ImportDelta ImportModel ImportReferencedDelta RemoveUnusedDeltas Delta.Apply