v11.0 (2013)
Adds a new port at the specified location and returns an XSICollection of new port object(s). Most of the time the collection will contain only one port. However, when a port group instance is added then the collection may contain multiple ports.
oReturn = AddPortToICENode2( Port, [InsertLocation] ); |
XSICollection of new port object(s). If you add input port(s), a collection of ICENodeInputPort is returned. If you add output port(s), a collection of ICENodeOutputPort is returned.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Port | String | The port after or before which to add the new port. The port full name needs to be specified. |
InsertLocation | siNodePortDataInsertionLocation | The relative location where the port will be added.
Default Value: siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBefore |
# # Basic examples to demonstrate how to use AddPortToICENode2. # from sipyutils import * si = si() si.NewScene("", "") si.CreatePrim("Cone", "MeshSurface", "", "") si.ApplyOp("ICETree", "cone", "siNode", "", "", 0) si.AddICENode("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\ICENodes\\BlendNode.Preset", "cone.polymsh.ICETree") # Add a new port group instance ports = si.AddPortToICENode2("cone.polymsh.ICETree.BlendNode.value2", C.siNodePortDataInsertionLocationAfter ) for p in ports: logf( '%s: %s', si.ClassName( p ), p ) # Output # INFO : ICENodeInputPort: cone.polymsh.ICETree.BlendNode.value3 # INFO : ICENodeInputPort: cone.polymsh.ICETree.BlendNode.weight3 # Add a new port si.AddICENode("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\ICENodes\\BuildArrayNode.Preset", "cone.polymsh.ICETree") ports = si.AddPortToICENode2("cone.polymsh.ICETree.BuildArrayNode.value1", C.siNodePortDataInsertionLocationBefore ) for p in ports: logf( '%s: %s', si.ClassName( p ), p ) # Output # INFO : ICENodeInputPort: cone.polymsh.ICETree.BuildArrayNode.value1 |
AddAttributeToSetDataICENode AddICECompoundNode AddExposedParamToICECompoundNode AddICENode AddNodeToICECompoundNode CleanDisconnectedICENodes ConnectICENodes CreateICECompoundNode DisconnectICENodePort EditExposedParamInICECompoundNode ExplodeICECompoundNode RemoveAttributeFromSetDataICENode RemoveExposedParamFromICECompoundNode RemoveNodeFromICECompoundNode RemovePortFromICENode