Shortcuts for Python


The Softimage sipyutils module contains utility functions such as the following shortcuts that facilitate Python scripting.


Softimage constants


Function to return Softimage application object (Application)




Function to return Application.XSIMath object


Function to return Application.XSIUIToolkit object


Function to return Application.XSIUtils object


Dispatch function from win32com.client

  • It is recommended to use the new sipyutils module because the siutils module is deprecated since Softimage version 11.0 SP1 (2013).

  • The 2013 shortcuts do not work in Softimage version 2013 SP1. The si = si() line causes an error. To resolve this error, you have to either comment the line, or edit the siutils module and remove the commenting on si(). Alternatively, you can use the new sipyutils shortcuts.

In the script editor, when the language is set to Python, the Syntax Help context menu enables you to insert the shortcuts found in the Softimage sipyutils module for use in the script editor.

import sipyutils
from sipyutils import *
from sipyutils import si          # win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.Application')
from sipyutils import siut       # win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.Utils')
from sipyutils import siui       # win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.UIToolkit')
from sipyutils import simath   # win32com.client.Dispatch('XSI.Math')
from sipyutils import log        # LogMessage
from sipyutils import disp      # win32com.client.Dispatch
from sipyutils import C          # win32com.client.constants
import sipyutils	# Add this plug-in path to python path

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