Working with the Selection List as a CRefArray (C++ API only)

// C++ API
CRefArray sellist = app.GetSelection().GetArray();
LONG lSelCount = sellist.GetCount();
for (LONG i=0; i<lSelCount; i++) {
	CRef currItem = sellist[i];
	if ( currItem.IsValid() ) {
		if ( currItem.GetClassIDName() == L"X3DObject" ) {
			X3DObject x3dobj(currItem);
			app.LogMessage(L"item[" + CString(i) + L"]: " + x3dobj.GetName() );
		} else {
			app.LogMessage(L"item[" + CString(i) + L"]: " + currItem.GetClassIDName() );
			// For components this will return 'Object' which is the generic object type
	} else {
		app.LogMessage(L"item[" + CString(i) + L"] is not valid." );

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