The following have been added to the Softimage 2013 SDK.
CICEAttributeDataArray<T>::operator [] - Accessor to the encapsulated array. This operator is used for writing to the data array.
CICEAttributeDataArray<bool>::SetData - Accessor to the bool array for writing to the data array.
CICEAttributeDataArray2D::ResizeSubArray - Changes the size of the sub-array at a given index and returns a new array pointing to the resized sub-array.
Geometry::AddICEAttribute - Adds a new ICEAttribute object to this geometry and returns this object.
Geometry::RemoveICEAttribute - Removes an attribute from this geometry.
CMatrix3f::Get - Gets a pointer to the const version of the internal matrix.
CMatrix4f::Get - Gets a pointer to the const version of the internal matrix.
ProjectItem::AddICEAttribute - Adds a new ICEAttribute object to this ProjectItem and returns this object.
ProjectItem::RemoveICEAttribute - Removes an attribute from this ProjectItem.
CString::TrimLeft - Removes a character or a group of characters from the beginning of this string.
CString::TrimRight - Removes a character or a group of characters at the end of this string.
ICEAttribute.DataArray - Sets a 1D Array object containing the data defined by an attribute.
ICEAttribute.DataArray2D - Sets a 2D Array object containing the 2D data defined by an attribute.
XSICollection.Filter - Returns a subset of this collection as a new collection of objects matching the filter criteria.
Clip.AddProperty2 - Creates and adds a UserDataBlob or CustomProperty to a Clip object. This method is specific to the python language.
Geometry.AddICEAttribute - Adds and returns a new attribute data on a geometry.
Geometry.RemoveICEAttribute - Removes a non-built-in attribute from a geometry if not required by an ICETree.
Layout.CreateViewFromDefinitionFile2 - Creates a new View object given the path to its definition on disk. This method is similar to Layout.CreateViewFromDefinitionFile but specific to the python language.
Layout.FindView2 - Finds an existing View object given a name in this layout. This method is similar to Layout.FindView but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddItem2 - Adds a menu item at to end of the menu. This method is similar to Menu.AddItem but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddCommandItem2 - Adds a menu item at the end of the menu and attaches a command. This method is similar to Menu.AddCommandItem but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddCallbackItem2 - Adds a menu item to the end of the menu and attaches a callback function. This method is similar to Menu.AddCallbackItem but specific to the python language.
ICENode.GetPortFromName2 - Returns the ICENodePort object that matches a specific port name. This method is similar to ICENode.GetPortFromName but specific to the python language.
ICENode.GetPortFromIndex2 - Returns the ICENodePort object specified by a port index, group index and group instance index. This method is similar to ICENode.GetPortFromIndex but specific to the python language.
Operator.GetPortAt - Returns the specified Port object. This method is similar to Operator.PortAt but specific to the python language.
Operator.GetPort3 - Returns the specified Port object for the operator. This method is similar to Operator.GetPort2 but specific to the python language.
Override.AddParameterEntry2 - Adds a new entry to override the input parameter and returns the new overriding parameter. This method is similar to Override.AddParameterEntry but specific to the python language.
Primitive.GetGeometry3 - Returns a Geometry object containing the object's geometry. This method is similar to Primitive.GetGeometry2 but specific to the python language.
ProjectItem.AddICEAttribute - Adds and returns a new attribute data on this object.
ProjectItem.RemoveICEAttribute - Removes a non-built-in attribute from a geometry if not required by an ICETree.
SceneItem.GetPropertyFromName2 - Returns a property, given its scripting name. This method is similar to SceneItem.GetPropertyFromName but specific to the python language.
SceneItem.GetLocalPropertyFromName2 - Returns a local property, given its scripting name. This method is similar to SceneItem.GetLocalPropertyFromName but specific to the python language.
ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef2 - Returns the underlying ShaderParamDef or ShaderStructParamDef object for this array item. This method is similar to ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef but specific to the Python language.
ShaderArrayParameter.Item2 - Returns the specified ShaderParameter item in this array. This method is similar to ShaderArrayParameter.Item but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParamDefContainer.AddParamDef2 - This method is similar to ShaderParamDefContainer.AddParamDef but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParamDefContainer.GetParamDefByName2 - Returns the ShaderParamDef that matches the specified name from this container. This method is similar to ShaderParamDefContainer.GetParamDefByName but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParameter.Definition2 - Returns the shader parameter definition as a ShaderParamDef object. This method is similar to ShaderParameter.Definition but specific to the Python language.
View.FindView2 - Finds an existing View object given a name. This method is similar to View.FindView but specific to the Python language.
X3DObject.GetActivePrimitive3 - Returns the 3D object's active Primitive for a given frame. This method is similar to X3DObject.GetActivePrimitive2 but specific to the Python language.
XSIApplication.ActiveProject3 - Returns or sets the active XSIProject object. This method is similar to XSIApplication.ActiveProject2 but specific to the Python language.
XSIApplication.GetObjectFromID2 - Returns the object matching the specified ID. This method is similar to XSIApplication.GetObjectFromID but specific to the python language.
XSIFactory.CreateObjectFromPreset2 - Creates an object from a preset and optional preset family name. This method is similar to XSIFactory.CreateObjectFromPreset but specific to the Python language.
siHLEOperationAbsoluteOffset, siHLEOperationRelativeOffset, siHLEOperationAbsoluteScaling - Constants that define the high-level editing (HLE) operation used in the FCurve Editor, when the HLE tool is enabled.
siRenderRegionRefreshMode - This indicates the render region refresh mode to use for render regions.
ripple - Determines whether or not existing keys are pushed ahead on the timeline when you parse keys on an fcurve or when you scale a region of keys
selectedcurves - Returns or sets the selected FCurve objects as a comma-delimited string containing the full name of the FCurve's parent
frameplaybackrange - Frames all the fcurves within the time span specified by the timeline
centercurrenttime - Centers the fcurve graph around the timeline cursor's position
autoframe - Determines whether or not animation editor will frame all fcurves automatically
interactiveupdate - Determines whether or not to see the effect of the changes in viewports as you edit the fcurves.
showbuffercurves - Determines whether or not to display a temporary copy of the original function curve that has been saved into a buffer.
displaynormalized - Determines whether or not to display the normalized fcurves.
hle - Determines whether or not to enable the high-level editing (HLE) tool.
hlecompensation - Determines whether or not to enable the high-level editing (HLE) compensation mode
hleoperation - Determines which high-level editing (HLE) operation the HLE tool uses
displayoptions - Determines which fcurves are displayed in the graph by default
isolatecurve - Determines whether or not to isolate the selected fcurves so that only they appear in the graph
clearallcurves - Hides all fcurves associated with the selected object without collapsing the animation explorer
keysonunselectedcurves - Determines whether or not to display keys on all unselected curves
slopesonunselectedkeys - Determines whether or not to display the slope handles of all unselected keys on a selected curve
showlabels - Determines whether or not to display labels on all selected curves
keyscoordinates - Determines whether or not to display the X and Y coordinate values for each selected key
grid - Determines whether or not to display the X and Y axis grid lines
rulers - Determines whether or not to display the rulers on the horizontal X(time) and vertical Y(value) axes
timecursorvisible - Determines whether or not to display the red playback cursor in the fcurve graph
timecursorselectable - Determines whether or not the red playback cursor is selectable in the fcurve graph
metacurveregion - Determines whether or not to display a bar below the graph showing an overview representation of all the keys of the selected fcurves
localtime - Determines whether or not to display the corresponding time of the animation between the action in the animation mixer and the fcurve editor
framerange - Returns or sets the frame range in frame values
valuerange - Returns or sets the minimum/maximum values (Y axis) range
displayedcurves - Returns or sets the displayed FCurve objects as a comma delimited string containing the full name of the FCurve's parent
selectedkeysatframes - Returns or sets the selected keys of FCurve objects as a string
selectedkeysattimes - Returns or sets the selected keys of FCurve objects as a string
savebuffer - Saves the buffer copy of the edited curve, when buffer curves option is active
swapbuffer - Swaps between the edited curve and its buffer copy, when buffer curves option is active
pasteoperation - The behavior when copied keys are paste into the current DopeSheet
frameplaybackrange - Frames the playback range in the DopeSheet
displayoptions - Determines which tracks are displayed in the DopeSheet
aligntrackswithtreeview - Determines whether the DopeSheet tracks align with its corresponding node in the tree view on the left
displayscenesummarytrack - Determines whether the scene summary track is displayed
displaydopesheetsummarytrack - Determines whether the DopeSheet summary track is displayed
phonemekeydisplay - Determines whether the phoneme keys display mode is active
phonemeshowinbetweens - Determines whether the shape key names between the shape keys are displayed in phoneme key display mode
phonemekeythreshold -Determines the weight threshold used by the phoneme key display mode
frameselection - Frames the selected components in the Texture Editor view
frameall - Frames all the vertices in the Texture Editor view
showselected - Show the selected components in the Texture Editor view
hideselected - Hide the selected components in the Texture Editor view
showall - Show all the components in the Texture Editor view
maxdisplayresolution - Sets/Gets the maximum display resolution of the image in the Texture Editor view
interpolateimage - Enables/Disables the interpolation of the image
overlaps - Enables/Disables the highlighting of overlaps in the Texture Editor view
oddoverlaps - Enables/Disables the highlighting of odd overlaps in the Texture Editor view
coverage - Enables/Disables the display of the coverage in the Texture Editor view
connectivity - Enables/Disables the display of the connectivity in the Texture Editor view.
statusbar - Enables/Disables the display of the statusbar in the Texture Editor view
projection - Sets/Gets the UV projection in the Texture Editor view
lock - Controls the lock selection state button in the toolbar
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