
Timer Tools

This example demonstrates how to use timer events in Softimage.

Example Files


Running the Example

To run the example

  • The timer tools plug-in contains several timer demos which can be enabled, disabled and reset from the Timer Tools PPG.
  • You can open the Timer Tools PPG by executing the ShowTimerTools command.


  • You can open the Timer Tools PPG from the Timer Tools menu located in the main menu bar.


  • You can manage these timers from the Plugin Manager Event panel.

Timers included in this example

  • Auto Save Scene: Automatically saves the current scene every 15 seconds.
  • Auto Script Editor Backup: Dumps the content of the script editor in a backup file every 10 seconds.
  • Sub-component extruder: This sample combines an event timer with the key up and key down events to extrude any selected geometry sub-components. If you hit the F2 key, the selected sub-components is extruded and an event timer is started. While you hold down the F2 key, the timer callback kicks in and increases the length parameter of the extrusion operator by 1 unit every 50 milliseconds. This stops as soon as you release the F2 key.
  • Auto Freeze Modeling: Freezes the selected object modeling operator(s) every 20 secs.
  • Show Banner: Opens Netview with a banner file 5 seconds after Softimage has been started or after the Show Banner Timer as been enabled (unmuted). This demo uses a single timer which only fires once. A single timer disables itself after it has been executed for the first time.


This example uses the following keywords:

JScript, RegisterTmerEvent, RegisterEvent, TimerEvent, EventInfo, Mute, Reset, Delay, Interval, SaveScene, SetGlobal, ApplyTopoOp, FreezeModeling.