To display: Choose , expand the node, and click .
Alternatively, in the script editor, choose and then click the Script Editor tab.
Script Editor
Indents a new line like the previous one. For example, if the current line is indented by two tabs, pressing Enter automatically
indents the new lien by two tabs.
Allows you to indent and un-indent by selecting whole lines and pressing Tab or Shift+Tab.
Reloads text files that have been modified by another program while they are open in the script editor.
If this option is on, files are automatically reloaded when an external change is detected.
If this option is off, you are asked whether you want to reload the file when an external change is detected.
Controls whether the script editor automatically pops in front of other windows as soon as the mouse pointer moves over it.
Text Based Editors
These options affect the script editor as wells as other text editors in Softimage.
The type face to use in the script editor.
The type size in points to use in the script editor.
The number of spaces used to represent tab characters.
Turning on this option inserts spaces when you press the Tab key.
Displays the indentation when you press the Tab key in the script. By default, this option is turned on.
Displays line numbers in the editing pane of the script editor.
Turning on this option enables you to control the display of lines by making them invisible or visible. Folding points are
displayed in a margin on the left hand side of view and displayed as small +/- icons. Generally, the fold points of a document
are based on the hierarchical structure of its contents.
Displays visible characters for spaces and tabs in the editing pane of the script editor.
Size in pixels of extra space in the left margin. You can click in this area to select entire lines.
When you select a word by double-clicking on it, the Script Editor highlights all the occurrences of the selected word in
the script.
By default, this option is turned on.
Specifies the behavior when you choose or press Ctrl+F in the script editor.
Continues searching at the beginning of the file after reaching the end. If this option is off, text searches start at the
cursor position and stop at the end of the file.
Specifies the behavior when the search string is not found: