Symmetrize Polygon Op Property Editor


Creates new polygons that mirror the geometry on the original side. Unlike Duplicate by Symmetry, the new components belong to the same object and share the same clusters; no new objects or clusters are created. In addition, materials, textures, and other cluster properties are propagated symmetrically.

To apply: See Symmetrizing Polygons {Modeling].

To redisplay: Select the symmetrized object, click the Selection button on the Select panel, then click the Symmetrize Polygon Op icon.



Specifies the coordinate system used for the plane of symmetry:

  • Global mirrors the polygons about the scene origin.

  • Local mirrors the polygons about the object's center.

Plane Normal

Specifies the plane across which the polygons are mirrored:

  • X Axis mirrors the polygons across the YZ plane.

  • Y Axis mirrors the polygons across the XZ plane.

  • Z Axis mirrors the polygons across the XY plane.

  • Custom Plane allows you to specify any other plane using the options on the Custom Plane tab.


Offsets the created polygons from the plane of symmetry. Values are in Softimage units. Note that when Reference is set to Local, the size of units are affected by the object's scaling.

Weld Options


Connects polygons on the mirrored section and the original geometry by welding or bridging boundary edges, and enables the other Weld Options. If Weld is on and Bridge is off, boundaries are merged (welded). If both Weld and Bridge are on, boundaries are connected by new polygons. If Weld is off, polygons are not connected and the other Weld Options are disabled. Pairs of existing boundaries on the original geometry are never welded or bridged.

Symmetric pairs only

Restricts the welding or bridging operation to the new polygons created by the Symmetrize Polygon Op and their counterparts on the original geometry.


Controls the tolerance between facing edges. As you increase this value, more pairs of polygons become connected.


Controls the behavior for connecting edges.

  • When this option is off, pairs of facing edges are merged (welded).

  • When on, pairs of edges get connected by new polygons.

Angle > 90

Connects two boundaries only if the difference between their orientations is greater than 90 degrees. This prevents the symmetry operator from connecting pairs of edges that are not facing each other.

Custom Plane

Position X, Y, Z

Defines the center of the plane of symmetry.

If Reference is set to Global on the General tab, these values are relative to the scene origin. If Reference is set to Local, these values are relative to the object's own center.

Rotation X, Y, Z

Defines the orientation of the plane of symmetry.

If Reference is set to Global on the General tab, these values are relative to the scene origin. If Reference is set to Local, these values are relative to the object's own center.

Plane Normal

Specifies the plane to mirror across: X Axis (YZ plane), Y Axis (XZ plane), or Z Axis (XY plane).

Update From Ref Plane

Updates the Position, Rotation, and Plane Normal parameters with the values from the active reference plane used for manipulation. In addition, Reference is set to Global on the General tab.

Set As Ref Plane

Updates the reference plane used for manipulation with the values from the Position, Rotation, and Plane Normal parameters. If Reference is set to Local on the General tab, these values are converted to global coordinates first. In addition, the manipulation mode is automatically set to Plane and and the active reference plane is set to Transform on the Transform panel. This button is useful if you want to move elements relative to the same plane you used for symmetrizing polygons.

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