By creating links, you can allow members of your workgroup to load files into Softimage and run scripts.
When you link to a data file with an extension that Softimage recognizes, members of your workgroup can drag and drop the link into Softimage. For a list of the Netview drag-and-drop rules, see Dragging and Dropping from Net View [Windows and Views].
Use an <a> element (anchor) and set its href attribute to the address of the file:
<a href="dest_address">link</a>The dest_address can be any standard URL denoting the location of the file. The link can be a text string, image <img> element, or other HTML element. For example:
<a href="../Data/Presets/Puce.Preset">Puce</a>For image formats that can be displayed in the HTML viewer (JPEG, PNG, and GIF), users can also drag and drop <img> elements directly. For example:
<img src="../Pictures/Mado.png"/>You can link to external script files (.vbs and .js) like any data file as described in the previous section. However, links to script files have two behaviors:
Clicking a link runs the script as if it was running from the script editor — in other words, you do not need to instantiate XSI.Application. (See Running Scripts in Netview for information about creating more complex scripts that can display dynamic information in Netview).
Dropping a link into the script editor opens the file for editing. Note that the path to the script file appears in the script editor and you are prompted to save — simply click No and the script file opens.
To link to an external script file in a Netview page, simply use an <a> element. For example:
<a href="runme.vbs">Run Me</a>If you explicitly specify the file protocol, you must use an absolute URL. For example:
<a href="file://zippy/Scripts/runme.vbs">Run Me</a> Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License