Stick to Location


This compound makes particles stick to a specific location on an object's surface upon collision and remain there for the duration of their lifetime. This sets the particle's StickLocation attribute.

Plug its Execute output into a Port of the ICETree node or in an Execute port of a State compound, if you're using the state system.

For more information on sticking, see ICE Particles Sticking to Obstacles [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Motion Control,Particles/Surface Interaction

Output Ports: Execute

Select Stick Location

The location on the object to which the particles stick as defined by these attributes:

Make sure that you have the appropriate objects defined for the location you select:

  • CollisionLocation: the obstacle object with which they collide.

  • EmitLocation: the particles' emitter object.

  • SlideLocation: the object with which they collide and slide.

  • GoalLocation: the object that is defined as a goal for the particles.

  • Input Location: any object that is plugged into the Input Location port (below).

Input Location

If you selected Input Location as the Select Stick Location, plug the appropriate object reference into this port to determine where the particles stick.

Align to Surface

Rotates the particles so that their local Y axes are aligned to the surface normals of the object.

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