The gradient slider is where you create and adjust the gradient. The bar displays the gradient left-to-right from beginning
(0.00) to end (1.00).
Square markers on the bottom of the gradient bar are color markers. You can use up to 8 color markers, each with its own color.
Clicking on the gradient bar inserts a color marker at the click-point. By default, the new marker assumes the color of that
point in the gradient. To delete a color marker, right-click it and choose "delete marker" from the menu.
A round marker on the top of the gradient bar appears between each pair of color markers, indicating the mid-point in the
blend between those two colors. Moving the round marker closer to either color marker causes less of that color, and more
of the other, to appear in that "sub-gradient". The net effect is a sharper blend and a larger portion of the dominant color.