
NurbsSurfaceMesh.Get2 operator


NURBS サーフェイスメッシュの完全なデータ記述を戻します。データは 1D 配列で戻されます。順序は NurbsSurfaceMesh.Get メソッドの出力引数と同じです。

注:このメソッドは、JScriptやPerlScriptなどの引数の参照渡しをサポートしないスクリプト言語で使用する必要があります。出力引数の取得の詳細については、About Output Argument Arrays を参照してください。


Object NurbsSurfaceMesh.Get2( siNurbsFormat in_eNurbsFormat );


oArray = NurbsSurfaceMesh.Get2( [NurbsFormat] );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
NurbsFormat siNurbsFormat NURBs のデータ形式を指定します。


JScript の例

// This example shows how to retrieve the output arguments returned by NurbsCurveList.Get2

var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;

var oGrid = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Grid", "NurbsSurface" );

oGrid.subdivu = 1;

oGrid.subdivv = 1;

Duplicate( "grid", null, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );

AddToSelection( "grid,grid1", null, 1 );

SIAssembleNurbsMesh( null, 0.150, 0, 0, 1 );

SelectObj( "surfmsh" );

// convert VB array to JScript array

var vbArgs = new VBArray(Selection(0).ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Get2( siSINurbs ));

// get the number of surfaces

numSurfs = vbArgs.getItem(0);

LogMessage("number of surfaces: " + numSurfs);

// get the number of control points in U per surface

var uncpts = vbArgs.getItem(2);

uSize = uncpts.ubound(1)-uncpts.lbound(1)+1;

for (i = 0; i < uSize; i++) 


	LogMessage("number of control points in U for surface " + i + ": " + uncpts.getItem(i) );


// get the number of control points in V per surface

var vncpts = vbArgs.getItem(3)

vSize = vncpts.ubound(1)-vncpts.lbound(1)+1;

for (i = 0; i < vSize; i++) 


	LogMessage("number of control points in V for surface " + i + ": " + vncpts.getItem(i) );


// get the control point array

var cpts = vbArgs.getItem(1);

// dump all control points

for ( k=0, offset=0; k<numSurfs; offset += uncpts.getItem(k), k++ )


	for ( i=0; i<vncpts.getItem(k); i++ ) // V


		for ( j=0; j<uncpts.getItem(k); j++ ) // U


			idx = j+offset;

	 		LogMessage("surf" + k + ": cpts[0]" + "[" + i + "]" + "[" + idx + "]: " + cpts.getItem(0,i,idx));

			LogMessage("surf" + k + ": cpts[1]" + "[" + i + "]" + "[" + idx + "]: " + cpts.getItem(1,i,idx));

	 		LogMessage("surf" + k + ": cpts[2]" + "[" + i + "]" + "[" + idx + "]: " + cpts.getItem(2,i,idx));

	 		LogMessage("surf" + k + ": cpts[3]" + "[" + i + "]" + "[" + idx + "]: " + cpts.getItem(3,i,idx));




