

Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:ClipEffect







ClipEffect オブジェクトは、クリップに関連したエフェクトのセットを表します。各 ClipEffect オブジェクトには、MappedItemに対応している1 つの項目が含まれます。これらのClipEffectItemには、クリップのインスタンスが作成されたSourceに影響を与えずにクリップを制御できるエクスプレッションが含まれます。たとえば、'(cid * 10) + this' のような式を使用して、プログレッシブ オフセットでウォーク サイクルを作成できます。

クリップ エフェクトは、Clip.Effect プロパティを使用して Clip オブジェクトから使用できます。


IsClassOfオペレータ IsEqualToオペレータ    


Application Categories FullNameオペレータ Help
IsActive IsPoseEffectActive Items Nameオペレータ
NestedObjects Origin OriginPath Parent
PoseEffect TimeReference Typeオペレータ Variables

1. Python の例

oRoot = Application.ActiveSceneRoot

oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry("Cube", "MeshSurface")	

#Creating the first animation source

oSource = Application.StoreAction(oRoot, "cube.kine.local.posx,cube.kine.local.posy,cube.kine.local.posz", 

	1, "StoredStaticPose", 1, 1, 5, 0, 0)

#Creating the first clip

oClip = Application.AddClip(oRoot, oSource)	

for i in range(oClip.MappedItems.Count):

	oCurrMappedItem = oClip.MappedItems(i)

	oParam = oCurrMappedItem.Destination

	if oParam.FullName == "cube.kine.local.posy":

		Application.SetMappingRule(oClip.FullName + ".ActionClip",oParam,"frame",i+1)


Application.LogMessage("The expression associated with the posy item is " 

	+ oCurrMappedItem.ClipEffectItem.Expression)

2. JScript の例


	This example demonstrates how to get at the ClipEffect objects by creating some 

	sources and clips with clip effects and then finding them again through the mapped 

	items on the clips in the mixer.


NewScene( ActiveProject, false );

// Set up some sources and clips in the scene (see end of example for details)

CreateFCurveAction( ActiveSceneRoot );

// Get all the clips in the mixer and then the sources

var clips = ActiveSceneRoot.Mixer.Clips;

for ( var i=0; i<clips.Count; i++ ) {

	// Look at their mapped items, but avoid the audio clips

	if ( clips(i).Type != siClipAudioType && clips(i).MappedItems ) {

		var clp = clips(i);

		LogMessage( "Found " + clp.MappedItems.Count + " mapped items(s)" );

		for ( var j=0; j<clp.MappedItems.Count; j++ ) {

			var mapping = clp.MappedItems(j);

			if ( mapping.ClipEffectItem.Expression != "" ) {

				LogMessage( "\t...this clip has a clip effect item matching this expression:" );

				LogMessage( "\t\t" + mapping.ClipEffectItem.Expression );


			LogMessage( "\t...destination parameter: " + mapping.Destination );




// Expected results:

//INFO : Found 3 mapped items(s)

//INFO : 	...this clip has a clip effect item matching this expression:

//INFO : 		this+5

//INFO : 	...destination parameter: null.kine.local.sclx

//INFO : 	...destination parameter: null.kine.local.scly

//INFO : 	...destination parameter: null.kine.local.sclz

// Convenience function

function CreateFCurveAction( in_model )


	var obj = in_model.AddNull();

	// Set FCurves on the null's scaling

	var keys = new Array( 5, 1.2,  20, 1.7,  45, 2.0,  90, 2.5 );

	obj.sclx.AddFCurve2( keys );

	var keyfactor = Math.random() * 10;

	var posfactor = Math.random();

	for ( var i=0; i<keys.length; i=i+2 ) {

		keys[i] = keys[i] + keyfactor;

		keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor;


	obj.scly.AddFCurve2( keys );

	var keyfactor = Math.random() * 10;

	var posfactor = Math.random();

	for ( var i=0; i<keys.length; i=i+2 ) {

		keys[i] = keys[i] - keyfactor;

		keys[i+1] = keys[i+1] * posfactor;


	obj.sclz.AddFCurve2( keys );

	// Get list of parameters to mark

	var params = obj.sclx.FullName + ",";

	params += obj.scly.FullName + ",";

	params += obj.sclz.FullName;

	// Make the FCurves into an Action

	var src = StoreAction( in_model, params, 2, "StoredAnimFCrvAction" );

	var clip = AddClip( in_model, src );

	// Add some clip effects to it

	var toclip = clip+".ActionClip";

	var rtn = GetMappingRule( toclip, 0 );

	var from = rtn.Value( "From" );

	SetMappingRule( toclip, from, "this+5", 1 );



ClipEffectItem Clip.Effect GetMappingRule SetMappingRule