2 つのオブジェクト間でプロパティ データを転送するオペレータに接続します。 主にヘア プロパティに使用され、エミッタのサーフェイスで定義されます。
PropertyTransfer( [Target], PropObj ); |
' ' This example shows how to transfer a property from a hair emitter ' to the hair object. A weightmap is transferred and used to modulate ' the cut parameter of an hair object. ' NewScene , false 'Create hair CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ApplyHairOp "sphere" 'Install weightmap SelectObj "sphere", , True CreateWeightMap , , "Weight_Map" SetValue "sphere.polymsh.cls.WeightMapCls.Weight_Map.weightmapop.type", 6 SetValue "sphere.polymsh.cls.WeightMapCls.Weight_Map.weightmapop.invert", True 'Transfer properties PropertyTransfer "Hair", "sphere.polymsh.cls.WeightMapCls.Weight_Map" 'Connect the transferred weight map to the cut parameter of the hair object. ApplyOp "MapCompOp", "sphere.polymsh.cls.WeightMapCls.Weight_Map;Hair.hair.Cut;Hair.hair.cls.WeightMapCls.Weight_Map" 'Display results. Note the effect of the weightmap on the hair object. SetValue "Hair.hair.DisplayType", 1 SetValue "Hair.hair.DisplayPercentage", 50.0 SelectObj "sphere", , True SetValue "Camera.camvis.objctrlpropmaps", True SetDisplayMode "Camera", "constant" |