


v8.0 (2010)


既存の既存のキーワードを保持し、リストの最後に新しいキーワードを追加します。 指定されたキーワードのセットがすでにオブジェクトに追加されている場合は、何も起こりません。

既存のキーワードを新しいキーワードと完全に置換する場合は、代わりに SetUserKeyword コマンドを使用します。


AddUserKeyword( [InputObjs], Keywords );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
InputObjs 選択リストまたは選択


Keywords 文字列

Python の例


# This example demonstrates how to set, get, and add user keywords


def BuildSampleScene() :

	app = Application

	app.NewScene("", False)

	oNulls = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" )


	while i<20 :

		oNulls.Add( app.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull() )

		i = i + 1

	# Now store some user keywords on the newly created nulls.

	# Some nulls have several keywords applied

	for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] :

		app.SetUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "important" )

	for i in [0,1,2,3,4] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "alpha" )

	for i in [15,16,17,18,19] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "beta" )

	for i in [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] :

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "placeholder" )

	for i in [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "useless" )

	# Remove keywords from one of the nulls	

	app.ClearUserKeyword( oNulls(12)  )

# GetUserKeyword returns a collection of strings.

# This function turns that collection into a comma separated

# string suitable for printing out.

def GetKeywordsAsString( in_obj ) :

	oKeywords = Application.GetUserKeyword( in_obj )		

	return ",".join( oKeywords )

# Find all X3DObjects with a certain keyword


# User keywords can be stored on almost 

# any Softimage object, but in this case we only search

# X3DObjects

def FindObjectsWithKeyword( in_keyword ) :

	app = Application

	# Set keywords to lowercase

	strSearchKeyword = in_keyword.lower()

	oReturnCollection = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" )

	oAllX3DObjects = app.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren()

	for oX3DObject in oAllX3DObjects :

		oKeywords = app.GetUserKeyword( oX3DObject )

		for sKey in oKeywords:		

			if sKey == strSearchKeyword :

				# Found object with this keyword

				oReturnCollection.Add( oX3DObject )


	return oReturnCollection


# Display X3DObjects that include the keyword "Useless"

oUselessNulls = FindObjectsWithKeyword( "Useless" )

for oUseless in oUselessNulls :

	Application.LogMessage( oUseless.Name + " has keywords: " + GetKeywordsAsString( oUseless ) )

# Expected results:

# INFO : null10 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null11 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null13 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null14 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null15 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null16 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null17 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null18 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null19 has keywords: beta,useless


AddUserTab RemoveUserTab ClearUserTab GetUserTab SetUserTab RemoveUserKeyword ClearUserKeyword GetUserKeyword SetUserKeyword