





UV クラスタ プロパティおよび頂点カラー プロパティは、完成しているクラスタにのみ追加できます。Geometry.AddCluster メソッドを参照してください。

注: このコマンドは、出力引数を使用します。C# および一部のスクリプト言語(JScript、PerlScript、Python など)は、リファレンスによって渡される引数をサポートしていません。このため、状況に応じた適切な回避策を実行する必要があります。

スクリプト言語の場合、このコマンドは出力引数を取得するために使用できる ISIVTCollection を戻します。

C# の場合は、XSIApplication.ExecuteCommand メソッドを使用してこのコマンドを呼び出すことができます。ExecuteCommand は、出力引数を C# の System.Object (出力引数の Array を含む)にパック化します(詳細については、「C# からのコマンドの呼び出し」を参照)。


AddProp( PresetObj, [InputObjs], [Propagation], [PropertyName], [Value] );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
PresetObj String またはプリセット オブジェクト(「SIGetPreset」を参照) プロパティ プリセット」の 1 つ
InputObjs 文字列 オブジェクトのリスト


Propagation siPropagationType プロパティの伝搬タイプ

デフォルト値: siDefaultPropagation (node)

PropertyName 文字列 プロパティ名
Value XSICollection XSICollection 内の新しいプロパティを戻します。

注: このコレクションをテストすると、下位互換性を保持するため、ClassName は「Object」を戻します。ただし、XSICollection.Type を使用してテストすると「XSICollection」を戻します。

ヒント: 戻されたコレクションの各メンバは Property オブジェクトです。

1. VBScript の例


' This example demonstrates how to add the RenderMap property to both a sphere and 

' a cube and then shows how you can use the returned Property objects by accessing

' them as members of the returned collection.


' Note: In this example we are using the XSIApplication.ClassName method instead

' 	of the VBScript TypeName function to provide a distinction between

'	class type and what we test with the Type property, but you can use

'	either.


NewScene , false

' Add a sphere to the scene

Set oSphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" )

' Add a sphere to the scene

Set oCube = CreatePrim( "Cube", "NurbsSurface" )

' Create rendermaps on the sphere and cube; the AddProp command returns the 

' output object as an XSICollection of 2, so you can get each RenderMap 

' as a Property object from the returned collection

AddProp "RenderMap", oSphere & "," & oCube, , , oRtnColl

' Test the type of the return value 

PrintInfo oRtnColl

' Get only the sphere's rendermap as a Property object

' Note: We could also use 'Set oRMap = oRtnColl(0)' to

'	accomplish the same thing, but this is more precise

For Each mbr In oRtnColl

	If mbr.Parent = oSphere Then

		Set oRMap = mbr

	End If


' Specify a destination directory and name for the new image file

' Note: Since the new object is a real Property object, we can use

' 		the object model to get its parameters

oRMap.Parameters( "imagefile" ).Value = InstallationPath( siUserPath ) _

			& "\temp\rendermap.pic"

' Add a texture projection to the sphere and attach the rendermap to it

CreateProjection oSphere, siTxtUV, siTxtDefaultSpherical, sSupport, sProj

SetInstanceDataValue , oRMap.Parameters( "uvprop" ), sProj

' Now add an annotation property to the sphere and test it

AddProp "Annotation", oSphere, , , oNewRtnColl

PrintInfo oNewRtnColl

' This is just a utility function to separate the printing procedure

' from the rest of the example

function PrintInfo( in_coll )

	' Print the class type (ie., Object, X3DObject, Property, etc.)

	LogMessage "========="

	LogMessage "ClassName: " & ClassName( in_coll )

	' This prevents an error if the specified object is invalid

	if ClassName( in_coll ) <> "Nothing" then

		' This prevents us from trying to use collection functions

		' on a non-collection object (XSICollections returned from

		' commands report that they have the "Object" class type:

		' this is for backwards compatibility)

		if ( ClassName( in_coll ) = "Object" AND in_coll.Type = "XSICollection" ) _

		OR ClassName( in_coll ) = "ISIVTCollection" _


			' ISIVTCollections can be enumerated but they don't 

			' support the Type property, so we'll skip that for

			' ISIVTCollections

			if ClassName( in_coll ) = "ISIVTCollection" then 

				' Convert the ISIVTCollection to an XSICollection (now 

				' we can continue with the XSICollection-specific tests)

				Set in_coll = in_coll.item(1)

				' Test it again to make sure it's really an XSICollection

				LogMessage "Type after conversion: " & in_coll.Type

			end if

			' Loop through the collection and print the name, type and 

			' class type of each item

			LogMessage ""

			LogMessage "This collection contains the following ( " _

				& in_coll.Count & " ) members ........"

			for each member in in_coll

				' Note: None of this information will be printed if the 

				' collection is empty

				LogMessage vbTab & "Name: " & member.Name

				LogMessage vbTab & "Type: " & member.Type

				LogMessage vbTab & "ClassName: " & ClassName( member )

				LogMessage "---------"


		elseif ClassName( in_coll ) = "CollectionItem" then

			' Print the name, type and class type of the item

			LogMessage vbTab & "Name: " & member.Name

			LogMessage vbTab & "Type: " & member.Type

			LogMessage vbTab & "ClassName: " & ClassName( member )

		end if

	end if

	LogMessage "End of collection information.................................."

end function

' Output of above script:

'INFO : "========="

'INFO : "ClassName: Object"

'INFO : ""

'INFO : "This collection contains the following ( 2 ) members ........"

'INFO : "	Name: RenderMap"

'INFO : "	Type: rendermap"

'INFO : "	ClassName: Property"

'INFO : "---------"

'INFO : "	Name: RenderMap"

'INFO : "	Type: rendermap"

'INFO : "	ClassName: Property"

'INFO : "---------"

'INFO : "End of collection information.................................."

CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtUV, siTxtDefaultSpherical, , "Texture_Projection", , siRelDefault

SetInstanceDataValue , "sphere.RenderMap.uvprop", "Texture_Projection"

AddProp "Annotation", "sphere", siDefaultPropagation

'INFO : "========="

'INFO : "ClassName: Object"

'INFO : ""

'INFO : "This collection contains the following ( 1 ) members ........"

'INFO : "	Name: Annotation"

'INFO : "	Type: customparamset"

'INFO : "	ClassName: CustomProperty"

'INFO : "---------"

'INFO : "End of collection information.................................."

2. JScript の例


	This JScript example illustrates how to use the AddProp command to add an 

	annotation property to a null object. Of special interest in this example

	is how we use the returned object to extract an array of output arguments

	(since JScript does not support output arguments).

	Note: In this example we are using the XSIApplication.ClassName method 

	which is the equivalent of the VBScript TypeName function (for which

	there is no native JScript equivalent).


NewScene( null , false );

// Add a null to the scene

var oSphere = GetPrim( "Null" );

// Add an annotation to the null; the AddProp command returns the output 

// object as an XSICollection of 1, so you can get the actual annotation 

// as a Property object by resetting the object pointer to the first 

// member of the returned collection

var oRtnColl = AddProp( "Annotation", oSphere, siDefaultPropagation, "Jenny" );

// Test the type of the return value 

PrintInfo( oRtnColl );

// To get the Property object, set the reference to the first member of

// the collection

//var oRMap = oRtnColl(0);

// This is just a utility function to separate the printing procedure

// from the rest of the example

function PrintInfo( in_coll )


	// Print the class type (ie., Object, X3DObject, Property, etc.)

	LogMessage( "=========" );

	LogMessage( "ClassName: " + ClassName( in_coll ) );

	// This prevents an error if the specified object is invalid

	if ( ClassName( in_coll ) != "Nothing" ) 


		// This prevents us from trying to use collection functions

		// on a non-collection object (XSICollections returned from

		// commands report that they have the "Object" class type:

		// this is for backwards compatibility)

		if ( ( ClassName( in_coll ) == "Object" && in_coll.Type() == "XSICollection" ) || 

			ClassName( in_coll ) == "ISIVTCollection" )


			// ISIVTCollections can be enumerated but they don't 

			// support the Type property, so we'll skip that for

			// ISIVTCollections

			if ( ClassName( in_coll ) == "ISIVTCollection" )


				// Convert the ISIVTCollection to an XSICollection (now 

				// we can continue with the XSICollection-specific tests)

				in_coll = in_coll.item(1);

				// Test it again to make sure it's really an XSICollection

				LogMessage( "Type after conversion: " + in_coll.Type );


			// Loop through the collection and print the name, type and 

			// class type of each item

			LogMessage( "" );

			LogMessage( "This collection contains the following ( " 

				+ in_coll.Count + " ) members ........" );

			for ( i=0; i<in_coll.count; i++ )


				LogMessage( "\tName: " + in_coll.item(i).Name );

				LogMessage( "\tType: " + in_coll.item(i).Type);

				LogMessage( "\tClassName: " + ClassName( in_coll.item(i) ) );





			// Print error message 

			LogMessage( "Object is not a collection at all." );



	LogMessage( "End of collection information.................................." );


// Output of above script:

//INFO : "========="

//INFO : "ClassName: ISIVTCollection"

//INFO : "Type after conversion: XSICollection"

//INFO : ""

//INFO : "This collection contains the following ( 1 ) members ........"

//INFO : "	Name: Jenny"

//INFO : "	Type: customparamset"

//INFO : "	ClassName: CustomProperty"

//INFO : "End of collection information.................................."


SIAddProp SceneItem.AddProperty Property XSICollection