Category: Texture Generators
Shader Family: Texture
Output: Color
Creates a rigid grid-like pattern based on a coordinate input. It consists of orthogonal overlapping lines of a specified
width on an underlying area.
The shader's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.
Defines the U, V, and Z texture coordinates of the texture.
Defines the color of the area between the lines.
Defines the color of the lines that make up the grid.
Controls the contrast between the color of the lines and the color of the intervening area. For values = 0, the colors are
averaged; for values when = a negative number, the colors are swapped.
Defines how much of the grid diffuses into the intervening area.
Defines the width of the horizontal (U) and vertical (V) lines of the grid.
Render Tree Usage
Use this shader to drive a parameter with a texture effect anywhere in a render tree. This shader generates a texture that
can be used as a color, a Weight value in a mixer shader, or to drive any Surface shader parameter.
Connect a Texture Space Controller shader to drive the Coordinate value of this shader.