Vertex Color Property Editor


Displays basic information about the vertex color property, also known as a color at vertices property or a CAV. In addition to vertex colors, this property can be used to store any vertex data that requires triplets, such as user normals, tangents, and binormals. For more information about vertex colors in general, see Vertex Colors [Scene Elements].

To add a vertex color property: Select a polygon object or cluster and choose one of the following from any toolbar:

A vertex color property is applied, but the property editor is not displayed automatically.

To display: Click the icon of the vertex property under the appropriate cluster in the explorer.



The name of the vertex color map.


Click to rename the vertex color map. See Rename Dialog Box.



The data type used to store RGBA channel values:

  • Short uses a short integer (two bytes) to store the color channels as values between 0 and 65535, interpreted as a value in the range [0, 1].

  • Float uses a floating-point value (four bytes) to represent color channel values. Use the option for HDR values.


Click to change the data type.