Hair Comb Operator Property Editor


Grooms hair in a specific direction, following the emitter's geometry wherever possible.

To apply: Select at least one point on each of the guide curves you want to comb, and then choose one of the items on the Modify Comb menu on the Hair panel (except Along Normals, which actually applies a Hair Puff Operator). If you select the entire hair object instead of points before combing, all guide curves are combed.

To display: Select the hair object, click the Selection button on the Select panel, and then click the Hair Comb Operator icon.

For more information, see Combing and Recombing Hair [ Hair ].


Toggles the deformation on and off without affecting the values of other parameters.

Comb Direction

Comb Amount

The amount of combing, where 1.0 is fully combed and 0.0 is the previous state without any combing.

If you animate this value, you cannot use dynamics on the hair.

X, Y, Z

Specifies a vector that defines the combing direction.