dotXSI Export Options Dialog Box


Exports scene data to an ASCII or binary file of the dotXSI (.xsi) format. You can export a single object, multiple-selected objects, or the entire scene. All objects are exported to a single dotXSI file. This exporter supports dotXSI versions 3.0, 3.5, and 3.6.

To export: Select objects to be exported. Choose File Export dotXSI from the main menu.

Consider the following when selecting objects for export:

  • If a constrained object is selected without its constraining object, only the constrained object is exported. If you plot the animation, the fcurves are exported with the constrained object.

  • The Plot option plots all parameters except for those that are affected by a constraint if the Constraint option is on. If the Constraint option is off, then all parameters affected by a constraint are plotted.

  • If the selection does not include all nodes of an IK chain, nulls are exported.

  • If the selection does not include all deformers that affect a selected envelope, the envelope is exported as a shape-animated object.

  • If the selection does not include the Scene_Root, then the scene-level Mixer node is not exported. Be sure to select the Scene_Root to export its Mixer or enable the Export Scene Root When No Selection option in the dotXSI Export Options dialog box.

  • The entire scene is exported if there is no selection.

dotXSI File


Optional. Enter the name of the project to which this file belongs. This information is stored at the top of the dotXSI file. (SI_FileInfo template)


Choose the output format for the dotXSI file:

  • Ascii: Exports scene data to an easily customizable ASCII format with the .xsi extension.

  • Binary: Exports scene data to a binary format with the .xsi extension.


Choose dotXSI file format version to be output:

  • 3.0: Exports scene data to version 3.0 of the dotXSI file format.

  • 3.5: Exports scene data to version 3.5 of the dotXSI file format.

  • 3.6: Exports scene data to version 3.6 of the dotXSI file format. This version supports features introduced in Autodesk Softimage version 3, including user data on components.


Choose the geometry types you want to export.

Export Scene Root When No Selection

If you have not selected an object or objects in your scene for export, the entire scene is exported including the scene root object. Activate this option to not export the scene root.

Polygon Meshes

Exports polygon mesh information. (SI_Mesh template)

User Normals

Exports user-defined normals from UserNormals user data maps.

Nurbs Surfaces

Exports Surface mesh information. (XSI_SurfaceMesh template)

Nurbs Curves

Exports NURBS curve information. (XSI_CurveList template)

Polygon Type

Exports polygons as polygons, triangles, or triangle strips.



Exports all animation in the scene, including material, texture, light, and camera animation.


Exports animation defined for geometric objects.


Exports light animation.


Exports scene ambience.


Exports camera animation.


Exports animated materials.


Exports action data.

Animation Filtering

You can choose to plot the animation. When you plot an animation it is evaluated frame by frame and function curves are created. Plotting creates one key per frame of animation.

NoteThe Plot option plots all parameters except for those that are affected by a constraint if Relations - Constraints is on. If Constraints is off, then all parameters affected by a constraint are plotted.


Activates plotting.

Kind of fcurve

Choose the type of function curve to be plot.

  • Boolean: Boolean fcurves map time to Boolean values (true or false). These create staircase-like function curves, useful for plotting animated toggles (on/off values).

  • Integer: Integer fcurves map time to integer values. These also create staircase-like fcurves, useful for plotting the values of integer parameters, such as RGB values.

  • Standard: Standard is the same kind of fcurve as used in the animation editor, mapping time and values.

  • Raw Data: Maps time and values, like standard fcurves but using only linear interpolation. They require less memory, which means a smaller file size; useful when long animation sequences are plotted, such as from motion capture sessions.


Choose the interpolation type you want for the function curve. You can set an interpolation type only for a Standard function curve.

  • Constant: Repeats the value of a keyframe for each of the frames appearing after it. Produces sudden changes in movement and static positions. There is no smooth acceleration between keyframes, as with Spline fcurves.

  • Linear: Creates intervals between keyframes that are straight lines. Each keyframe produces sudden changes in movement. There is no smooth acceleration between keyframes, as with Spline fcurves.

  • Spline: Creates interpolation between keyframes showing an acceleration (ease-in) and deceleration (ease-out). Produces smooth transitions between keyframes.

Fit fcurve

Reduces the number of keys on the function curves resulting from the plot.

Fit Tolerance

Set the tolerance level for how close the function curve resulting from the fit is to the function curve you would have gotten without the fit. The lower the tolerance value, the higher the number of keys on the fitted curve, resulting in a closer fit.



Exports the constraints in the scene. If this option is off and Plot is active, all parameters affected by a constraint are plotted.


Exports envelopes with their weight animation (Weighted) or converts them to shape animation with vertex and weight information (Convert to Shape Animation).


Exports the IK chain according to the following options:

  • Convert to FK (with Nulls): Converts the inverse kinematics to forward kinematics. Plots all the IK and replaces skeletons with nulls.

  • Full IK: Exports full IK with skeletons. Default.

  • Convert to FK (keep Skeletons): Converts the inverse kinematics to forward kinematics. Plots all the IK and keeps the Skeletons (SI_IK_<Root/Joint/Effector> templates) instead of replacing them with nulls.

Custom Parameter Sets

Exports custom parameter sets assigned to the selected object(s).

Keep Shared Materials

Shares the material for members of groups that have a material applied. If this option is off, the material is copied locally to each member.



When on, exports texture coordinates (SI_Texture2D template) and activates all texture export options. When off, no texture coordinates are exported to the dotXSI file and all other texture options are disabled. Default [on].

Absolute Path

When on, exports absolute paths. When off, exports relative paths. Default [off].


When on, exports texture sequences (SI_ImageClip template). When off, exports the texture as a static texture using the first picture of the sequence. Default [off].

Copy Files

When on, copies all picture files, including texture sequences (when the Sequences option is on) to where the dotXSI file is written. If a picture file does not exist, it is replaced by the noIcon image. If a picture file is missing from a texture sequence, the previous valid file is used instead (or the noIcon if there are no other valid files).

When off, only the picture reference(s) are exported without checking for the actual existence of the file(s). In this case Size and File Format options are disabled. Default [on].

File Format

Converts picture files to the specified file format. This also determines the file-name extension. Choose from the following options:

  • Original: Outputs the image in its original file format. No change. Default.

  • PIC,BMP, etc.: Converts picture files to the selected format: PIC (SOFTIMAGE Picture File), BMP (Bitmap picture), PPM (Portable Pix Map), TGA (Targa picture), or JPEG.

File Format option is disabled when the Copy Files option is off.

Size X, Y

Exports the picture file(s) at the specified size in X and Y. Choose from the following options:

  • Original: Exports the image at its original size. No change. Default.

  • Auto: Exports the image scaled to the nearest power of 2, based on its original size.

  • 2, 4, 8, etc.: Exports the image scaled to fit the chosen size.

Size options are disabled when the Copy Files option is off.