Spin Particle


This compound causes particles to rotate in a spinning fashion. You can use this compound in conjunction with other orientation nodes; for example, use Align on Velocity to set the forward direction to [1, 0, 0], and then use this compound to spin the particle on that same axis. This causes a bullet spiral effect.

Plug this compound's Execute output into a Port on the ICETree node.

For more information, see Spinning Particles [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Orientation

Output Ports: Execute

Select Spin Axis

The axis around which the particle spins:

  • Local X/Y/Z Axis rotates the particles around their axes.

  • Spiral spins the particle around their movement vector, causing a spiral rotation to occur.

  • Tumble makes the particles rotate around the X axis.

  • Relative to Input Position rotates the particles relative to the XYZ position value that is used for the Input Position parameter below.

  • Input Axis rotates the particles along the XYZ axis value that is used for the Input Axis parameter below.

Input Axis

Defines the axis around which the particle spins. You can define this with the XYZ values here, or you can plug in the axis values of an object.

Input Position

Defines the axis around which the particle spins. You can define this with the XYZ values here, or you can plug in the position values of an object.

Spin Rate

The number of times per second that each particle makes a complete revolution.