Simulate Particles



  • Simulation


Updates each the position and the velocity of each point based on its previous velocity, position, mass and force attributes.

The simulation also takes into account the SimulatedFrameFraction attribute, which is expected to be between 0 and 1 and represents how much of the frame was already simulated.

The SimulatedFrameFraction attribute is used when events happen within a frame such as when a particle is created or when a particle collides with a surface.

For information on creating particle effects, see ICE Particles [ICE Particle Simulations].

TipYou can choose the Particles Simulation Inspect Simulation Node command to open up the selected point cloud's Simulate Particles or Simulate Rigid Bodies node property editor without the ICE Tree view needing to be open.



Reference to the geometric object to simulate.


Click to select the reference from an explorer. If the In Name port is connected, you can only choose references that are valid at the existing path.


Click to launch a picking session and select a reference from a viewport, explorer, or schematic view.




Turns off the particle simulation. Particles will not move if muted.

In Name

Allows daisy chaining nodes to specify the reference. The scene path connected to this port is appended as a prefix to the reference string of the node.



The port to connect so the node executes.

Out Name

Allows daisy chaining nodes. Connect this port into the In Name port of another node to prefix the reference of the other node with the reference of this node.