Restitution Force


Applies a force that tries to move points towards the specified target. This node is designed to be plugged into the Force input of Verlet Framework. See Verlet Integration [ICE Deformations].

Tasks: Deformation/Verlet Forces

Output Ports: Force


How strongly the points try to move toward their targets.

Select Restitution Position

Specifies the target that point try to move toward:

  • Use This Mesh Presimulate uses the point positions stored by Init Verlet Geometry Data.

  • Use Restitution Target Object lets you specify a separate object below, such as an animated duplicate of the simulated mesh. The specified object should have the same topology as the simulated mesh.

Restitution Target Name

A scene reference that is prepended to the object specified by Restitution Target Reference. If you leave the reference blank, you can specify the object completely by plugging a fully resolved name into this port.

Restitution Target Reference

Specifies an object to use as a target.