Lagoa Setup Soft Mesh


Contains all the necessary Lagoa nodes to create an elastic structure like cloth using the Lagoa Material Dirt Pile node under the hood.

See Lagoa Particle Effects [Lagoa Multiphysics Simulations] for general information.

Plug this compound's Execute output into a port on the ICETree node or in an Execute port on a Simulation Root node.

Tasks: Lagoa/Presets

Output Ports: Execute

Passive Body In Name

Plug in the Out Name port of the object with which the points will collide. This object can be animated (deformation or transformation) or not.

Passive objects are not affected by any type of force in the simulation environment.

You can define each collision object's properties in its own Lagoa Set Collision Data compound.


The number of times per frame that the whole simulation state is computed. The higher the value, the more stable and accurate the simulation and collisions will be, but also slower.

For more information, see Setting the Simulation's Substeps for Accuracy [Lagoa Multiphysics Simulations].