Get Data



  • Data Access


Accesses data on elements in the scene specified by the reference string. This data can be parameters such as "" or attributes under some geometries or properties such as "sphere.PointPosition" and "sphere.polymsh.cls.Point.WeightMap.weights". Also, some parameters are grouped. For example, getting "" would return a 3D vector containing all three components.

If you connect a location in the source port of a Get Data node you can specify a geometry attribute at that location. Those attributes could be on points, edges, polygons or sample points and the Get Data node interpolates and returns the value at the exact surface or curve location.

Get Data supports special keywords. "Self" and "This" refer to the object on which the ICE tree is applied. "This_Parent" refers to the parent of the "Self" object. Similarly, "This_Model" refers to the model that contains the "Self" object.

You can build the path to the data you want to fetch by daisy chaining Get Data nodes. For example, you can connect the Out Name port of a Get Data node on "Sphere" into the In Name port of a Get Data on "". The Value output port of the second Get Data returns the value of "". This is useful to have only one object reference. In the previous example, you could also connect the Out Name port of the Get Data on "Sphere" to another Get Data on "PointPosition" to get all the positions of the points on the sphere. This allows retargetting the graph to another object by just changing the object name. All other Get Data nodes, because of their relative path, automatically point to the new object.

The Get Data at Previous Frame node is similar to Get Data but gives access to the values at the previous frame. Such a node is especially useful to interpolate values in order to approximate values for any fraction of the current frame, in order to minimize frame rounding artifacts.

For more information about Get Data, see Getting Data [ICE Fundamentals].



Reference to the attribute to get.


Click to select the reference from an explorer. If the In Name port is connected, you can only choose references that are valid at the existing path.


Click to launch a picking session and select a reference from a viewport, explorer, or schematic view.




Location at which to get the attribute requested. Only required when getting geometry attributes at a specified location. Otherwise, geometry attributes are retrieved from the current subcomponent (point, edge, or polygon) being processed.

In Name

Allows daisy chaining Get Data nodes. The scene path received in this port is appended as a prefix to the reference string of the node.



The value of the data being accessed. The type, structure and context of this port automatically maps to the type, structure and context of the data accessed.

Out Name

Allows daisy chaining Get Data nodes. Connect this port into the In Name port of another Get Data to prefix the reference of the other node with the reference of this node.