Get Closest Points



  • Geometry Queries


Outputs an array containing locators of points in the proximity of the input position. There are two ways to search, and both can be used at the same time:

  • When the Enable Cutoff Distance option is enabled, the node returns the locations of all the points that are within the specified distance of the input position.

  • When the Enable Max Number of Points option is enabled, the node returns the location of the N closest points from the input position (where N is specified by the Max Number of Points port).

  • With both options, the N closest points that are within the input distance are returned.

The array of locators is ordered from closest to farthest. If you are getting the closest point locations to point positions on the same geometry, the first location in the array is the point at the input position unless there are overlapping points.

If no points are found, an empty array is returned.




The geometry on which to search for the points.


The position from which we want to search for the points based on distance and/or order of proximity.

Enable Cutoff Distance

Specifies that we want the points within a certain distance of the input position.

Cutoff Distance

The distance within which to retrieve the points.

Enable Max Number Points

Specifies that we want the N closest points from the input position.

Max Number Points

The maximum number of points requested when the Enable Max Number Points option is turned on.

Even if Max Number Points is 1, the result is still a set of arrays with one element per member and you must pop the location from the array before using it as a location, for example, setting it as GoalLocation.



The locations of the points in proximity. These are packaged in an array structure.