Emit Blast


This emitter blasts out particles over a certain number of frames. It uses two fcurves to control the particle emission rate and their initial velocity.

Plug this compound's Emit output into the Emitter port of the Simulation Root node, or into a port on the ICETree node. This compound should be plugged into the first port of the ICETree node because you usually need to emit particles before any other node or compound can be evaluated.

For more information, see Emitting a Particle Blast [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Emitters

Output Ports: Emit


Turns the particle emission on and off.

Emission Parameters


Plug in the emitter object's Value output here. You can plug multiple geometries into this emitter.

Start Frame

The first frame at which particles are emitted for the blast.

End Frame

The last frame at which particles are emitted for the blast.


Loops the particle emission using the Duration value.

Emission Rate

The number of particles created per frame. The rate is also controlled by the Emission Rate Profile curve below.


This number is used as the basis for the random generation of particles. If two different particle emitters use the same seed, you may get identical results in their emission. Change the seed value to get a different random generation of particles.

Direction and Speed


Defines the speed at which new particles are moving when they are emitted. This port controls only the initial velocity. You can change the velocity over time with the Velocity Profile curve below.

You can also change the velocity over time by plugging in compounds such as Modulate Velocity Over Time.

Spray Origin Method

Defines the point from which the particles are sprayed:

  • Spray away from Controller Object (its center)

  • Spray away from Controller Surface

  • Spray Away from Specified Position that you define with the Spray Origin Position values below.

Spray Origin Controller

The object from which the particles are blasting away. This object is used only if you selected Away from Controller Object or Surface as the Spray Origin Method.

Plug in the controller object's Value output here.

Spray Origin Position

Defines the position in XYZ from which the particles are sprayed. This applies only if you selected Spray Away from Specified Position as the Spray Origin Method.


The overall velocity strength of the particle blast.

Initial Values

These parameters are the same as the Initial Value parameters in the Emit from Geometry compound.

Profile Curves

Emission Rate Profile

This curve defines the emission rate (Y axis) over the duration of the blast (X axis).

Velocity Profile

This curve defines the velocity of the particles (Y axis) over the duration of the blast (X axis).

Execute on Emit1

You can plug in nodes that have Execute output ports. These ports only get executed once when a particle gets created.