Add Point



  • Point Cloud


Adds one or more points to the referenced point cloud geometry. Points can either be specified with input positions or locations. To add more than one point, you can either connect a graph that generates a non-singleton (size larger than 1) data set, connect a graph that generates an array of positions or locations, or connect a graph that generates a non-singleton data set of arrays. The number of points added is the number of array elements for each of the set elements or just the data set size when not dealing with arrays.

Add Point sets the position of the added points based on the input values. It also sets an ID attribute which is a unique integer value for each of the points that will not get re-used if some points eventually get deleted.



Reference to the point cloud to which to add points.


Click to select the reference from an explorer. If the In Name port is connected, you can only choose references that are valid at the existing path.


Click to launch a picking session and select a reference from a viewport, explorer, or schematic view.




Specifies the set of positions at which to place the new points. The positions can be specified as 3D vectors or as locations.

In Name

Allows daisy chaining nodes to specify the reference. The scene path specified in this port is appended as a prefix to the reference string of the node.

On Creation

Nodes connected in this port are only executed on the new points. Points that were already in the point cloud are not affected.



The port to connect for execution.

Out Name

Allows daisy chaining nodes. Connect this port into the In Name port of another node to prefix the reference of the other node with the reference of this node.