Math Composite


| Composite Menu | Mask | Output

Composites any foreground over any background by mathematically adding or subtracting the pixel values. The proportion of the foreground element to be added or subtracted can be controlled.

Math Composite takes any pixel type, and outputs any pixel type.

Composite Menu

Math Op

Sets the mathematical operation to be performed on the foreground and background elements.

Add (A+B) Applies the union of brightness from the foreground and background. Any areas which are shared between the fore-ground and background are affected by the brightness of both images.

Sub (A-B) Applies the foreground brightness. Any areas that overlap with the background are removed from the resulting image.

Multiply (A*B) Applies the shared areas of the foreground and background. This is the multiply function.

Or (A+B-A*B) Applies the union of foreground and background. Any areas which are shared between the foreground and background are affected by half the brightness of both images.

Xor (A+B-2*A*B) Applies the union of foreground and background. any areas which are shared between the foreground and background are removed from the resulting image.

Min (min(A,B)) Applies the shared areas of foreground and background. The brightness of the image is unaffected.

Max (max(A,B)) Applies the union of foreground and background. The brightness of any areas which are shared between the foreground and the background is unaffected.

Mix Level

Sets the proportion of the foreground added to or subtracted from the background. Set a value between 0 and 1 using the slider.


Controls this operator's Mask Options.


Controls this operator's Output Options.