Controls the animation editor and its animation explorer functions. These options applies to any editor that is displayed in the animation editor: fcurve editor, dopesheet, expression editor, or scripted operator editor.
For more information, see The Animation Editor.
To display: Do either of the following:
Choose File Preferences from the main menu in the Softimage window. Then click the Editors
Animation Editor icon in the explorer on the left of the Preferences property editor.
These options affect only the Select tool (press Y) in the fcurve editor.
These options make is easier to use the animation editor when you have many fcurves and keys. As well, if you're switching to Softimage from other 3D softwares, these options make the workflow similar to them.
These options determine how the nodes in the animation explorer are expanded or collapsed by default when multiple objects are selected.
Sets preferences for behavior in the animation explorer.
For more information in general about the animation explorer, see Using the Animation Explorer.